sbgECom Library  5.2.590-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
No Matches
CAN Protocol Specifications

The CAN protocol in SBG Systems devices offers extensive support for nearly all the information provided by the sbgECom serial protocol.
Although the CAN and serial protocols are not identical, they share many definitions and data structures to ensure consistency.

The CAN interface is primarily designed for outputting messages and can support external aiding equipment such as CAN-based odometers.
However, the CAN interface cannot be used to configure the device. For configuration purposes, standard serial or Ethernet interfaces must be utilized.

CAN Conventions & Definitions

CAN 2.0 A/B Interface

The protocol described in this documentation is used to communicate with the AHRS/INS over a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus.
The CAN bus is a message-based protocol originally designed for automotive applications but is now widely used across various industries.

SBG Systems' CAN implementation supports both CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B standards, ensuring maximum compatibility with third-party equipment and CAN software.
The CAN bus implementation adheres to the CiA (CAN in Automation) DS-102 standard for quantum and timing definitions.

The following standard CAN bus bitrates are supported:

  • 1 000 kBit/s
  • 800 kBit/s
  • 500 kBit/s
  • 250 kBit/s
  • 200 kBit/s
  • 125 kBit/s
  • 100 kBit/s
  • 50 kBit/s
  • 25 kBit/s
  • 20 kBit/s
  • 10 kBit/s

A maximum of 8 bytes per frame are transmitted, both standard (11 bits) and extended (29 bits) identifiers are supported.

SBG Systems' products do not include a 120 Ohm termination resistor; it is the user's responsibility to implement this component.

Status and Enum Definitions

All status indicators, enumerations, and bitmasks used in the CAN messages are consistent with those in the sbgECom Binary Messages definitions.
To ensure simplicity and maintainability, please refer to the sbgECom Binary Messages for detailed definitions of status flags, bitmasks, and enumerations.

Value Scaling and Units

To maximize compatibility with third-party CAN software, each parameter in the CAN messages can be adjusted using a simple offset and scale factor.
For example, if a parameter has a scale factor of $10^{-2}$, the value returned by the device should be multiplied by $10^{-2}$ (or divided by 100) to convert it to the correct unit specified in the message.

Message Identification

Each CAN message is assigned a unique identifier, encoded using 11 bits for standard CAN 2.0A messages or 29 bits for extended CAN 2.0B messages.

  • Standard CAN messages: Message IDs range from 0x000 to 0x7FF, allowing for 2,048 unique identifiers.
  • Extended CAN messages: IDs can go up to 0x1FFFFFF, offering over 536 million unique identifiers.

By default, all CAN message IDs are disabled to prevent conflicts with other devices on the same network.
When configuring CAN message outputs, it is crucial to carefully select IDs to avoid collisions with other devices' IDs.

CAN Messages Overview

The following section provides an overview of all available CAN messages with a brief description and default CAN identifier.

Because CAN payloads are limited to 8 bytes only, consistent data might be spread across several CAN messages.
For example, the two CAN messages SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_0 and SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_1 form a consistent dataset that should be interpreted together.

Name (Log ID) Description
SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_01 (0x100) General device status and information - part 1/3.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_02 (0x101) General device status and information - part 2/3.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_03 (0x102) General device status and information - part 3/3.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_0 (0x110) INS clock and UTC time reference - part 1/2.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_1 (0x111) INS clock and UTC time reference - part 2/2.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_INFO (0x120) IMU timestamp, status and temperature.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_ACCEL (0x121) IMU body X,Y,Z accelerometers.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_GYRO (0x122) IMU body X,Y,Z rotation rates.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_INFO (0x130) AHRS/INS solution timestamp.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_QUAT (0x131) AHRS/INS attitude using quaternion representation.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_EULER (0x132) AHRS/INS attitude using Euler angles representation.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_ORIENTATION_ACC (0x133) AHRS/INS attitude standard deviation accuracy.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_POS (0x134) INS latitude/longitude position.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_ALTITUDE (0x135) INS altitude above MSL and undulation.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_POS_ACC (0x136) INS position standard deviation accuracy.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_NED (0x137) INS velocity in North, East, Down navigation frame.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_NED_ACC (0x138) INS velocity standard deviation accuracy in the NED frame.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_BODY (0x139) INS velocity X, Y, Z body frame.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_AUTO_TRACK_SLIP_CURV (0x220) Automotive-specific track angle, slip angle, and curvature radius.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_INFO (0x140) Marine-specific heave, surge, sway timestamp, and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_0 (0x141) Surge, sway, and heave measurements.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_1 (0x145) Surge, sway, and heave acceleration measurements.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_2 (0x149) Surge, sway, and heave velocity measurements.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_INFO (0x14A) Delayed heave timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_0 (0x14B) Delayed heave measurement (surge and sway are not computed).
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_1 (0x14C) Vessel's acceleration used to compute delayed heave.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_2 (0x14D) Delayed heave velocity (surge and sway are not computed).
SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_0 (0x150) Magnetometer aiding timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_1 (0x151) Normalized X, Y, Z magnetic field values.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_2 (0x152) Accelerometers X, Y, Z aligned with magnetometer frame.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_ODO_INFO (0x160) Wheel speed odometer velocity timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_ODO_VEL (0x161) Wheel speed odometer velocity measurement.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_INFO (0x162) AirData aiding timestamp, status and air temperature.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_ALTITUDE (0x163) AirData static pressure and barometric altitude.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_AIRSPEED (0x164) AirData dynamic pressure and true airspeed.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_DEPTH_INFO (0x166) Subsea depth pressure sensor timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_DEPTH_ALTITUDE (0x167) Subsea water pressure value and depth value.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_VEL_INFO (0x170) GNSS module 1 velocity timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_VEL (0x171) GNSS module 1 velocity North, East, Down values.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_VEL_ACC (0x172) GNSS module 1 velocity NED standard deviation accuracies.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_COURSE (0x173) GNSS module 1 course over ground and accuracy.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS_INFO (0x174) GNSS module 1 position timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS (0x175) GNSS module 1 position latitude and longitude.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS_ALT (0x176) GNSS module 1 altitude MSL, undulation and information.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS_ACC (0x177) GNSS module 1 position accuracy and information.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_HDT_INFO (0x178) GNSS module 1 dual antenna timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_HDT (0x179) GNSS module 1 dual antenna true heading, pitch angle, and accuracies.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_VEL_INFO (0x180) GNSS module 2 velocity timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_VEL (0x181) GNSS module 2 velocity North, East, Down values.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_VEL_ACC (0x182) GNSS module 2 velocity NED standard deviation accuracies.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_COURSE (0x183) GNSS module 2 course over ground and accuracy.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS_INFO (0x184) GNSS module 2 position timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS (0x185) GNSS module 2 position latitude and longitude.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS_ALT (0x186) GNSS module 2 altitude MSL, undulation and information.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS_ACC (0x187) GNSS module 2 position accuracy and information.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_HDT_INFO (0x188) GNSS module 2 dual antenna timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_HDT (0x189) GNSS module 2 dual antenna true heading, pitch angle, and accuracies.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_INFO_A (0x200) Sync In A event marker timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_TIME_A (0x201) Additional Sync In A event marker offset from primary timestamp.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_INFO_B (0x202) Sync In B event marker timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_TIME_B (0x203) Additional Sync In B event marker offset from primary timestamp.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_INFO_C (0x204) Sync In C event marker timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_TIME_C (0x205) Additional Sync In C event marker offset from primary timestamp.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_INFO_D (0x206) Sync In D event marker timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_TIME_D (0x207) Additional Sync In D event marker offset from primary timestamp.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_INFO_E (0x208) Sync In E event marker timestamp and status.
SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_TIME_E (0x209) Additional Sync In E event marker offset from primary timestamp.

General Status Messages

These outputs aggregate system status data into six categories: General, Clock, Communications, Aiding, Solution, and Heave.
To obtain a comprehensive status overview, the CAN messages SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_01, SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_02, and SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_03 should be used in combination.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_01 message provides general status information about the device.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_01 (0x100)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since the sensor was powered on µs uint32 4 0
GENERAL_STATUS General status (see STATUS_GENERAL_STATUS) - uint16 2 4
CLOCK_STATUS UTC time and clock sync status (see TIME_STATUS) - uint16 2 6


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_02 message provides communication and aiding equipment status.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_02 (0x101)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Unit Format Size Offset
COM_STATUS Communication status (see STATUS_COM_STATUS) - uint32 4 0
AIDING_STATUS Status of aiding equipment (see STATUS_AIDING_STATUS) - uint32 4 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_03 message provides the status of the INS solution and ship motion outputs.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_STATUS_03 (0x102)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Unit Format Size Offset
SOLUTION_STATUS INS solution status (see SOLUTION_STATUS) - uint32 4 0
HEAVE_STATUS Ship motion output status (see SHIP_MOTION_STATUS) - uint16 2 4
All enumerations and bitmasks are consistent with those used in standard sbgECom output logs.

UTC Time Output Messages

These messages provide a reference to UTC time, offering a time correlation between the device's TIME_STAMP value and the actual UTC time.
These frames are essential if you need to timestamp all data with an absolute UTC or GPS time reference.

SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_0 (0x110)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_0 message provides the time since the sensor was powered up and the GPS Time of Week (TOW).

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_0 (0x110)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since the sensor was powered on 1 µs uint32 4 0
GPS_TOW GPS Time of Week 1 ms uint32 4 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_1 (0x111)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_1 message provides the detailed UTC date and time information.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_UTC_1 (0x111)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
YEAR Year within the century (e.g., '10' for 2010) 1 - uint8 1 0
MONTH Month in Year [1 ... 12] 1 - uint8 1 1
DAY Day in Month [1 ... 31] 1 - uint8 1 2
HOUR Hour in Day [0 ... 23] 1 - uint8 1 3
MIN Minute in Hour [0 ... 59] 1 - uint8 1 4
SEC Second in Minute [0 ... 60] (Note: 60 indicates a leap second) 1 s uint8 1 5
MICRO_SEC Microseconds within the current second 100 µs uint16 2 6

Inertial Data Output Messages

These CAN logs output the IMU calibrated accelerometer and gyroscope values expressed in the X,Y,Z body frame.

It is generally not recommended to use the CAN bus for high-frequency data output, particularly for IMU data.
When multiple nodes are present on the bus, there is an increased risk of message delays, duplication, or loss.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_INFO message provides basic IMU information including the timestamp, IMU status, and temperature.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_INFO (0x120)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since the sensor was powered on 1 µs uint32 4 0
IMU_STATUS IMU status bitmask - - uint16 2 4
TEMPERATURE IMU temperature 10^-2 °C int16 2 6
Please refer to the sbgECom serial log IMU_STATUS definition for more details on the status bitmask.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_ACCEL message provides the calibrated accelerometer readings for the X, Y, and Z axes.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_ACCEL (0x121)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ACCEL_X Acceleration X 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 0
ACCEL_Y Acceleration Y 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 2
ACCEL_Z Acceleration Z 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_GYRO message provides the calibrated gyroscope readings for the X, Y, and Z axes.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_IMU_GYRO (0x122)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
GYRO_X Rate of turn X 10^-3 rad/s int16 2 0
GYRO_Y Rate of turn Y 10^-3 rad/s int16 2 2
GYRO_Z Rate of turn Z 10^-3 rad/s int16 2 4

EKF Output Messages

These CAN logs output all parameters computed by the device's Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), such as the 3D attitude, velocity, and position.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_INFO message provides basic EKF information, including the timestamp of the EKF solution.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_INFO (0x130)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since the sensor was powered on 1 µs uint32 4 0


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_QUAT message provides the orientation of the device using a quaternion representation.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_QUAT (0x131)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
Q0 Orientation quaternion, q0 component 1/32767 - int16 2 0
Q1 Orientation quaternion, q1 component 1/32767 - int16 2 2
Q2 Orientation quaternion, q2 component 1/32767 - int16 2 4
Q3 Orientation quaternion, q3 component 1/32767 - int16 2 6


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_EULER message provides the orientation of the device using Euler angles representation.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_EULER (0x132)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ROLL Roll angle [-π to +π] 10^-4 rad int16 2 0
PITCH Pitch angle [-π/2 to +π/2] 10^-4 rad int16 2 2
YAW Yaw angle [-π to +π] 10^-4 rad int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_ORIENTATION_ACC message provides the standard deviation accuracy of the orientation measurements.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_ORIENTATION_ACC (0x133)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ROLL_ACC 1σ Roll angle accuracy [0 to +π] 10^-4 rad uint16 2 0
PITCH_ACC 1σ Pitch angle accuracy [0 to +π/2] 10^-4 rad uint16 2 2
YAW_ACC 1σ Yaw angle accuracy [0 to +π] 10^-4 rad uint16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_POS message provides the INS position data, consisting of latitude and longitude expressed in the WGS84 datum.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_POS (0x134)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
LATITUDE Latitude angle, positive north 10^-7 ° int32 4 0
LONGITUDE Longitude angle, positive east 10^-7 ° int32 4 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_ALTITUDE message provides the altitude above Mean Sea Level (MSL) and the undulation.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_ALTITUDE (0x135)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ALTITUDE Altitude above Mean Sea Level 10^-3 m int32 4 0
UNDULATION Altitude difference between geoid and ellipsoid 0.005 m int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_POS_ACC message provides the standard deviation accuracy of the position data.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_POS_ACC (0x136)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
LATITUDE_ACC 1σ Latitude accuracy 10^-2 m uint16 2 0
LONGITUDE_ACC 1σ Longitude accuracy 10^-2 m uint16 2 2
ALTITUDE_ACC 1σ Vertical Position accuracy 10^-2 m uint16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_NED message provides INS velocity data in the North, East, and Down directions.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_NED (0x137)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VELOCITY_N Velocity in North direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 0
VELOCITY_E Velocity in East direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 2
VELOCITY_D Velocity in Down direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_NED_ACC message provides the 1σ accuracy of velocity data in the North, East, and Down directions.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_NED_ACC (0x138)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VELOCITY_ACC_N 1σ Velocity in North direction accuracy 10^-2 m/s uint16 2 0
VELOCITY_ACC_E 1σ Velocity in East direction accuracy 10^-2 m/s uint16 2 2
VELOCITY_ACC_D 1σ Velocity in Down direction accuracy 10^-2 m/s uint16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_BODY message provides INS velocity data in the body X, Y, and Z frame.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_EKF_VEL_BODY (0x139)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VELOCITY_X Velocity in body/INS X direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 0
VELOCITY_Y Velocity in body/INS Y direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 2
VELOCITY_Z Velocity in body/INS Z direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 4

Automotive Outputs

All messages in this section are specifically designed for automotive applications.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_AUTO_TRACK_SLIP_CURV message provides critical automotive parameters such as track angle, slip angle, and curvature radius.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_AUTO_TRACK_SLIP_CURV (0x220)
  • Compatibility: Automotive applications
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 7 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ANGLE_TRACK Track course angle/direction of travel [-π to +π] 10^-4 rad int16 2 0
ANGLE_SLIP Vehicle slip angle [-π to +π] 10^-4 rad int16 2 2
CURVATURE_RADIUS Curvature radius in meters based on down rotation rate 10^-2 m uint16 2 4
AUTO_STATUS Status bitmask as defined in AUTO_STATUS - - uint8 1 6

AUTO_STATUS Definition

This field indicates the validity of the automotive data.

Bit Name Description
0 SBG_ECOM_AUTO_TRACK_VALID Set to 1 if the track angle is valid
1 SBG_ECOM_AUTO_SLIP_VALID Set to 1 if the slip angle is valid
2 SBG_ECOM_AUTO_CURVATURE_VALID Set to 1 if the curvature radius is valid

Ship Motion Data

Ship motion data represents the 3D displacement, velocities, and accelerations of a vessel.
The device can output heave, surge, and sway measurements, along with the main heave period.

Some devices support both real-time and delayed heave values, which share the same message format.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_INFO message provide information about the ship's motion, including the main heave period and the ship's motion status.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_INFO (0x140)
  • Compatibility: Heave capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
PERIOD Main heave period 10^-2 s uint16 2 4
HEAVE_STATUS Ship motion status (see SHIP_MOTION_STATUS) - - uint16 2 6


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_0 message reports surge, sway, and heave motion measurements.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_0 (0x141)
  • Compatibility: Heave capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
SURGE Surge motion (positive forward) 10^-3 m int16 2 0
SWAY Sway motion (positive right) 10^-3 m int16 2 2
HEAVE Heave motion (positive down) 10^-3 m int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_1 message reports longitudinal, lateral, and vertical accelerations.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_1 (0x145)
  • Compatibility: Heave capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ACCEL_X Longitudinal acceleration (forward) 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 0
ACCEL_Y Lateral acceleration (right) 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 2
ACCEL_Z Vertical acceleration (down) 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_2 message reports the velocities in the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical directions.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_2 (0x149)
  • Compatibility: Heave capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VEL_X Longitudinal velocity (positive forward) 10^-2 m/s int16 2 0
VEL_Y Lateral velocity (positive right) 10^-2 m/s int16 2 2
VEL_Z Vertical velocity (positive down) 10^-2 m/s int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_INFO` message provide information about the delayed heave timestamp, period and status.

The timestamp reported in the message reflects the actual time of data validity.
The data corresponds to conditions roughly 150 seconds earlier than other logs transmitted at the same time.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_INFO (0x14A)
  • Compatibility: HPINS with hydro option
  • Firmware: HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
PERIOD Main heave period 10^-2 s uint16 2 4
HEAVE_STATUS Ship motion status (see SHIP_MOTION_STATUS) - - uint16 2 6


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_0 message reports delayed heave measurement.
Surge and sway quantities are not computed by the delayed heave algorithm.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_0 (0x14B)
  • Compatibility: HPINS with hydro option
  • Firmware: HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
SURGE Not available for delayed heave. 10^-3 m int16 2 0
SWAY Not available for delayed heave. 10^-3 m int16 2 2
HEAVE Delayed heave motion (positive down) 10^-3 m int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_1 message reports longitudinal, lateral, and vertical accelerations.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_1 (0x14C)
  • Compatibility: HPINS with hydro option
  • Firmware: HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ACCEL_X Longitudinal acceleration (forward) 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 0
ACCEL_Y Lateral acceleration (right) 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 2
ACCEL_Z Vertical acceleration (down) 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_2 message reports the delayed heave velocity (vertical).
Surge and sway velocities are not computed by the delayed heave algorithm.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_SHIP_MOTION_HP_2 (0x14D)
  • Compatibility: Heave capable products
  • Firmware: HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VEL_X Longitudinal velocity (positive forward) 10^-2 m/s int16 2 0
VEL_Y Lateral velocity (positive right) 10^-2 m/s int16 2 2
VEL_Z Vertical velocity (positive down) 10^-2 m/s int16 2 4

Magnetometer Output

These CAN logs provide fully calibrated and normalized magnetometer values in arbitrary units (a.u.), along with associated accelerometer measurements.
If properly calibrated, the norm of the magnetic vector should equal 1.

SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_0 (0x150)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_0 message provides the timestamp and status of the magnetometer.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_0 (0x150)
  • Compatibility: All products with magnetometers
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
MAG_STATUS Magnetometer status bit-mask (see MAG_STATUS) - - uint16 2 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_1 (0x151)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_1 message reports the magnetometer outputs on the X, Y, and Z axes.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_1 (0x151)
  • Compatibility: All products with magnetometers
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
MAG_X Magnetometer output, X axis 10^-3 a.u. int16 2 0
MAG_Y Magnetometer output, Y axis 10^-3 a.u. int16 2 2
MAG_Z Magnetometer output, Z axis 10^-3 a.u. int16 2 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_2 (0x152)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_2 message provides the accelerometer measurements aligned with the magnetometer frame.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_MAG_2 (0x152)
  • Compatibility: All products with magnetometers
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ACC_X Accelerometer output, X axis 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 0
ACC_Y Accelerometer output, Y axis 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 2
ACC_Z Accelerometer output, Z axis 10^-2 m/s² int16 2 4

Odometer Output

These CAN logs provide information on odometer status, time since reset, and raw velocity using detected odometer pulses.
The TIME_STAMP field in these messages is not necessarily aligned with the main loop as it dates the actual odometer data.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_ODO_INFO message provides odometer status and timestamp information.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_ODO_INFO (0x160)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
ODO_STATUS Odometer velocity status bit-mask (see ODO_STATUS) - - uint16 2 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_ODO_VEL message reports the velocity in the odometer direction.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_ODO_VEL (0x161)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 2 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VELOCITY Velocity in odometer direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 0

AirData Output

These CAN logs provide information related to the AirData module, including barometric pressure, altitude, and true airspeed measurements.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_INFO message provides general status information for the AirData module, including the outside air temperature.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_INFO (0x162)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 7 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
AIR_DATA_STATUS AirData module and sensor status (see AIRDATA_STATUS) - - uint8 1 4
AIR_TEMPERATURE Outside air temperature 10^-2 °C int16 2 5


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_ALTITUDE message provides barometric pressure and altitude information.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_ALTITUDE (0x163)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
PRESSURE_ABS Absolute barometric pressure 10^-3 Pa uint32 4 0
ALTITUDE Barometric altitude (positive upward) 10^-3 m int32 4 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_AIRSPEED message provides information about the differential pressure measured by a pitot tube and the true airspeed.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_AIR_DATA_AIRSPEED (0x164)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
PRESSURE_DIFF Differential pressure measured by a pitot tube 10^-3 Pa int32 4 0
AIRSPEED True airspeed (positive forward) 10^-2 m/s int16 2 4

Here is the conversion of the Depth Sensor CAN messages using the standard template:

Depth Sensor Output

These CAN logs provide information related to the subsea depth sensor module, including absolute water pressure and depth measurements.


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_DEPTH_INFO message provides general status information for the depth sensor module.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_DEPTH_INFO (0x166)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: Not Supported - Please contact SBG Systems
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
DEPTH_STATUS Depth module and sensor status (see DEPTH_STATUS) - - uint8 1 4


The SBG_ECAN_MSG_DEPTH_ALTITUDE message provides information about the absolute water pressure and the altitude measured by the depth sensor.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_DEPTH_ALTITUDE (0x167)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: Not Supported - Please contact SBG Systems
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
PRESSURE_ABS Absolute water pressure 10^-1 Pa uint32 4 0
DEPTH Altitude from depth sensor (positive upward) 10^-3 m int32 4 4

GNSS Velocity Outputs

These logs provide the GNSS velocity, velocity accuracy, course, and status as computed by the primary or secondary GNSS receiver.
The TIME_STAMP in these messages indicates the exact time of the GNSS velocity data and may not align with the main loop.

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_VEL_INFO (0x170 - 0x180)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_VEL_INFO message provides information about the GNSS velocity status and timestamp for either the primary (GPS1) or secondary (GPS2) GNSS receiver.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_VEL_INFO (0x170), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_VEL_INFO (0x180)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
GPS_VEL_STATUS GPS velocity fix and status bit-mask (see GPS_VEL_STATUS_TYPE) - - uint32 4 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_VEL (0x171 - 0x181)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_VEL message provides the GNSS velocity in the North, East, and Down directions.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_VEL (0x171), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_VEL (0x181)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VEL_N Velocity in North direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 0
VEL_E Velocity in East direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 2
VEL_D Velocity in Down direction 10^-2 m/s int16 2 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_VEL_ACC (0x172 - 0x182)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_VEL_ACC message provides the 1σ accuracy of the GNSS velocity in the North, East, and Down directions.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_VEL_ACC (0x172), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_VEL_ACC (0x182)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
VEL_ACC_N 1σ Accuracy in North direction 10^-2 m/s uint16 2 0
VEL_ACC_E 1σ Accuracy in East direction 10^-2 m/s uint16 2 2
VEL_ACC_D 1σ Accuracy in Down direction 10^-2 m/s uint16 2 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_COURSE (0x173 - 0x183)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_COURSE message provides the true direction of motion over the ground and its 1σ accuracy.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_COURSE (0x173), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_COURSE (0x183)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
COURSE True direction of motion over ground (0 to 360°) 10^-2 ° uint16 2 0
COURSE_ACC 1σ Course accuracy 10^-2 ° uint16 2 2

GNSS Position Outputs

These logs provide the GNSS position, position accuracy, and status as computed by the primary or secondary GNSS receiver.
The TIME_STAMP in these messages indicates the exact time of the GNSS positioning data and may not align with the main loop.

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS_INFO (0x174 - 0x184)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS_INFO message provides information about the GNSS position status and timestamp for either the primary (GPS1) or secondary (GPS2) GNSS receiver.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS_INFO (0x174), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS_INFO (0x184)
  • Compatibility: All products with GNSS capability
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
GPS_POS_STATUS GPS position fix and status bit-mask (see GPS_POS_STATUS_TYPE) - - uint32 4 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS (0x175 - 0x185)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS message provides the GNSS latitude and longitude.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS (0x175), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS (0x185)
  • Compatibility: All products with GNSS capability
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
LATITUDE Latitude, positive North 10^-7 ° int32 4 0
LONGITUDE Longitude, positive East 10^-7 ° int32 4 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS_ALT (0x176 - 0x186)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS_ALT message provides the GNSS altitude, undulation, number of satellites in view, and the age of differential corrections.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS_ALT (0x176), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS_ALT (0x186)
  • Compatibility: All products with GNSS capability
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
ALTITUDE Altitude Above Mean Sea Level 10^-3 m int32 4 0
UNDULATION Altitude difference between the geoid and the ellipsoid 0.005 m int16 2 4
NUM_SV Number of space vehicles used in solution - - uint8 1 6
DIFF_CORR_AGE Age of differential corrections (set to 0xFF if not available) 1 s uint8 1 7

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS_ACC (0x177 - 0x187)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_POS_ACC message provides the 1σ accuracy of the GNSS latitude, longitude, and altitude.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_POS_ACC (0x177), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_POS_ACC (0x187)
  • Compatibility: All products with GNSS capability
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
LAT_ACC 1σ Latitude Accuracy 10^-2 m uint16 2 0
LONG_ACC 1σ Longitude Accuracy 10^-2 m uint16 2 2
ALT_ACC 1σ Altitude Accuracy 10^-2 m uint16 2 4
BASE_STATION_ID ID of the base station used (set to 0xFFFF if not available) - - uint16 2 6

GNSS True Heading Outputs

These logs provide the GNSS true heading and pitch solutions along with their respective accuracy and status as computed by the dual antenna GNSS receiver.
The TIME_STAMP in these messages indicates the exact time of the GNSS true heading data and may not align with the main loop.

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_HDT_INFO (0x178 - 0x188)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_HDT_INFO message provides information about the GNSS true heading status and timestamp for either the primary (GPS1) or secondary (GPS2) GNSS receiver.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_HDT_INFO (0x178), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_HDT_INFO (0x188)
  • Compatibility: All products with dual antenna GNSS capability
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
GPS_HDT_STATUS GPS True Heading status bit-mask (see GPS_HDT_STATUS_BIT) - - uint16 2 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_HDT (0x179 - 0x189)

The SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPSX_HDT message provides the GNSS true heading, pitch angle, and their respective accuracies.

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS1_HDT (0x179), SBG_ECAN_MSG_GPS2_HDT (0x189)
  • Compatibility: All products with dual antenna GNSS capability
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TRUE_HEADING True heading angle (0 to 360°) 10^-2 ° uint16 2 0
TRUE_HEADING_ACC 1σ True heading estimated accuracy (0 to 360°) 10^-2 ° uint16 2 2
PITCH Pitch angle from the master to the rover 10^-2 ° int16 2 4
PITCH_ACC 1σ Pitch estimated accuracy 10^-2 ° uint16 2 6

Event Markers

SBG Systems Inertial Systems can detect event markers at up to 1 kHz on synchronization input signals, such as Sync A, Sync B, Sync C, Sync D, and Sync E.
For each input synchronization signal, the device outputs a binary log that captures the timestamp of each received event within the last 5 milliseconds.
The maximum output rate for these logs is 200 Hz.

The TIME_STAMP field records the time of the first event detected within the 5 ms window.
Subsequent events within this period are captured using TIME_OFFSET fields, which store the time difference between the TIME_STAMP and each subsequent event.
This approach optimizes log size by reducing redundant timestamp data.


If three events are received within the last 5 ms:

  • The first event's time is recorded directly in TIME_STAMP.
  • The second event's time is recorded as TIME_STAMP + TIME_OFFSET_0.
  • The third event's time is recorded as TIME_STAMP + TIME_OFFSET_1.

If there are fewer events, the remaining TIME_OFFSET fields are set to 0. The EVENT_STATUS flag indicates which TIME_OFFSET fields are valid.

SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_INFO_X (0x200 - 0x207)

This message provides the timestamp and status of event markers.

  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 6 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_STAMP Time since the sensor is powered up 1 µs uint32 4 0
EVENT_STATUS Status bitmask (see EVENT_STATUS) - - uint16 2 4

SBG_ECAN_MSG_EVENT_TIME_X (0x201 - 0x209)

This message logs the time offsets for events received after the initial event within a 5 ms window.

  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
Field Description Scaling Unit Format Size Offset
TIME_OFFSET_0 Time offset for the second received event 1 µs uint16 2 0
TIME_OFFSET_1 Time offset for the third received event 1 µs uint16 2 2
TIME_OFFSET_2 Time offset for the fourth received event 1 µs uint16 2 4
TIME_OFFSET_3 Time offset for the fifth received event 1 µs uint16 2 6
The system can detect event markers at rates up to 1 kHz. However, excessive event rates may overload the internal CPU, leading to decreased performance and reliability.
Never leave an activated Sync In signal unconnected, as noise on the line may trigger spurious events at very high rates, potentially causing issues with system performance.