sbgECom Library  5.2.590-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
No Matches
NMEA Protocol & Messages

SBG Systems AHRS and INS support input and output standard NMEA protocol.
The NMEA protocol is a an well known and simple ASCII based format that is widely used in different industry.

Using NMEA output messages allows straightforward and easy integration in a wide range of products and software without requiring any development.

However, NMEA outputs are less efficient as sbgECom binary messages and don't give access to all the features, options and status of SBG Systems products.

NMEA Protocol Overview

The implemented NMEA sentences are based on NMEA 0183 Version 4.1.

NMEA Sentence Structure

The NMEA sentence structure is detailed below with an example:

Value Description Example
$ All frames start with a dollar sign ($). $
<ID> Talker ID, e.g., GP for GPS, GL for GLONASS, etc. GP
<MSG> Sentence type, message name. ZDA
[,<param>] Array of parameters separated by commas (,). ,201530.00,04,07,2002,00,00
*<CHK> Two characters 8-bit hex value checksum following * separator. (see []()). *60
<CR><LF> All frames end with a carriage return and line feed. <CR><LF>

Talker ID
The NMEA talker ID can be configured for each output interface.
When NMEA messages are used to input aiding data such as an external GNSS, the AHRS/INS simply ignore the Talker ID field.

Empty Fields
Each data field is comma-separated. When a field value is not defined or not available, the field is left empty, as shown below:


NMEA Checksum

The checksum for an NMEA sentence is calculated by XORing all characters between the $ and * (exclusive).
The following C code snippet demonstrates how to compute this checksum:

uint8_t nmea0183Checksum(const char *pSentence)
uint8_t checksum = 0;
// Start at index 1 to skip the leading '$'
for (size_t i = 1; (pSentence[i] != '*') && (pSentence[i] != '\0'); i++)
checksum ^= (uint8_t)pSentence[i];
return checksum;

NMEA Types & Conventions

To simplify NMEA message definitions, we use specific conventions for representing both integer and decimal numbers.

Integer Numbers

  • Format: Integer numbers are represented using the character i.
    The number of i characters indicates the maximum number of digits that can be used to represent the integer.
  • Negative Integers: The character - is prepended to denote a negative integer.
  • Example: The format iii could represent the following integers: -234, 13, -3.

Decimal Numbers

  • Format: Decimal numbers are represented using the character f.
    The character . is used to separate the integer part from the decimal part.
    The number of f characters indicates the maximum number of digits that can be used for both the integer and decimal parts.
  • Sign: The characters - or + can be prepended to represent negative or positive decimal numbers, respectively.
  • Example: The format ff.fff could represent the following decimal numbers: -34.2, 1.205, 24.126.

Time Convention

  • Format: Time in NMEA messages is always expressed in UTC. It follows the format
  • Example: The time 125430.0 corresponds to 12:54 and 30.00 seconds in UTC.

Date Convention

  • Format: Date in NMEA messages is expressed in the format ddmmyy, where:
    • dd is the day of the month (01 to 31),
    • mm is the month (01 to 12),
    • yy is the last two digits of the year.
  • Example: The date 070422 corresponds to 07 April 2022.

Latitude and Longitude

  • Format: Latitude and longitude are represented in the format ddmm.mmmm, where:
    • dd is degrees (00 to 90),
    • mm.mmmm is minutes with a fractional part,
    • It is followed by the hemisphere identifier N for North, S for South, E for East or W for West.
  • Example: The latitude 4807.038,N corresponds to 48 degrees, 07.038 minutes North.

Status Indicators

  • Format: Status indicators are typically represented by a single letter or number to denote the status of data or operations.
    Common examples include:
    • A for Active or valid data,
    • V for Void or invalid data.
  • Example: In a GGA sentence, the character A indicates that the GPS fix is active and the data is valid.

Quality Indicators

In NMEA messages, quality indicators traditionally reflect the accuracy of a GNSS fix.
However, when the data source is an INS, these indicators are interpreted differently based on the position standard deviation of the INS solution.
The following table illustrates how these quality indicators are mapped from INS-derived horizontal accuracy to the NMEA standard.

When the data source is a GNSS, the standard DOP and quality indicator definitions apply.

Horizontal Accuracy NMEA Fix Type NMEA Status GGA Quality GGK Quality RMC/VTG Mode RMC Nav. Status
> 100 m Invalid Fix Not valid 0 0 N V
< 100 m Dead Reckoning Caution 6 1 E C
< 10 m Standalone Fix Safe 1 4 A S
< 1.2 m DGPS Fix Safe 2 2 D S
< 30 cm Floating RTK Safe 5 3 F S
< 10 cm Fixed RTK Safe 4 2 R S

DOP Computation

DOP (Dilution of Precision) is a quality indicator traditionally associated with GNSS, reflecting the geometry of the satellites and its impact on positional accuracy.
When using an INS, DOP has no intrinsic meaning because the INS does not rely on satellite geometry.
Instead, the INS provides more reliable quality indicators directly related to the estimated position standard deviation.

However, since some software still relies on DOP values to filter out outliers and inaccurate solutions, the INS can output a DOP value based on the estimated position standard deviation.
This allows for backward compatibility with systems that use DOP for quality assessment, even though more modern and accurate indicators are available from the INS.

SBG Systems products implements the following computation to convert a position standard deviation to an horizontal DOP value:

$$DOP_{std} = \sqrt{North_{std}^2+East_{std}^2}$$

Standard NMEA Messages

The SBG_ECOM_CLASS_LOG_NMEA_0 (0x02) message class encompasses all standard NMEA 0183 messages that can be output by the device.
These messages implements the NMEA 0183 version 4.1 and can be used for GNSS drop in replacement in some integrations.

All NMEA outputs generated by the INS are based on the Inertial Navigation Solution and are not related directly to aiding data such as from a GNSS receiver.

For instance, even if a GNSS receiver is providing an RTK solution, if the INS is not aligned the product will output GGA messages with a quality indicator of 0 (invalid). This behavior is expected as an INS can still deliver RTK like accuracy solutions even during GNSS outages.

Messages overview

The following list, provides a quick overview of all available logs for this message class.
It briefly describe which parameters are contained in each output log.

Name (Msg ID) Description
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GGA (00) Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Quality indicator.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_RMC (01) Latitude, Longitude, velocity, course over ground.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_ZDA (02) INS UTC date and time.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_HDT (03) Heading from true geographic North.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GST (04) GPS Pseudorange Noise Statistics.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_VBW (05) Water referenced and ground referenced speed data.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_DPT (07) Depth sensor output.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_VTG (08) Track an Speed over the ground.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_ROT (09) Rate and direction of turn.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GSV (10) GNSS Satellites in View with azimuth, elevation and SNR information.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GGA message reports the Inertial Navigation System (INS) position and time in NMEA GGA format.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GGA (00)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##GGA string Message ID – GGA frame
1 Time UTC Time, current time
2 Latitude ddmm.mmmmmmmm Latitude: degree + minutes with 8 decimal digits
3 N/S char North / South indicator
4 Longitude dddmm.mmmmmmmm Longitude: degree + minutes with 8 decimal digits
5 E/W char East / West indicator
6 Quality i Solution quality (see definition in Quality indicators)
7 SV used ii Number of satellites used in solution
8 Horizontal DOP ff.f Horizontal dilution of precision (see definition in Quality indicators)
9 Altitude MSL ffff.fff Altitude above Mean Sea Level in meters
10 M M Altitude unit (Meters) fixed field.
11 Undulation fff.fff Geoidal separation between WGS-84 and MSL in meters.
12 M M Units for geoidal separation (Meters) fixed field.
13 Diff. Age s.s Age of differential corrections in seconds, only filled if applicable.
14 Diff. station ID rrrr Differential station ID, only filled if applicable.
15 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
16 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
The position quality and DOP are calculated using the INS position's estimated standard deviation, and are not directly related to the GNSS solution.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_RMC message provides the minimum recommended GNSS data, which includes a Kalman-enhanced 2D position, velocity, course over ground, and quality indicators.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_RMC (01)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##RMC string Message ID – RMC frame
1 Time UTC Time, current time
2 Status char Status field: A = Valid data, V = Invalid data
3 Latitude ddmm.mmmmmmmm Latitude: degree + minutes with 8 decimal digits
4 N/S char North / South indicator
5 Longitude dddmm.mmmmmmmm Longitude: degree + minutes with 8 decimal digits
6 E/W char East / West indicator
7 Speed fff.f Speed over ground in knots
8 Course fff.f Course over ground in degrees [0; 360]
9 Date ddmmyy UTC day, month, year
10 Variation fff.ff Magnetic variation value in degrees [0; 180]
11 E/W char Direction of magnetic variation (East / West)
12 Mode char Position mode indicator (see definition in Quality indicators section)
13 Nav Status char Navigational status indicator (see definition in Quality indicators)
14 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
15 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
The position mode and navigational status are calculated using the INS position's estimated standard deviation and are not directly related to the GNSS solution.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_ZDA message contains UTC time and date information.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_ZDA (02)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##ZDA string Message ID – ZDA frame
1 Time UTC Time, current time
2 Day dd Day of month [01 - 31]
3 Month mm Month of year [01 - 12]
4 Year yyyy Year (4 digits)
5 Ltzh 0 Local zone hours (not supported, fixed 00)
6 Ltzh 0 Local zone minutes (not supported, fixed 00)
7 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
8 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_HDT message outputs the INS Kalman filtered true heading value. The true heading is the direction the vehicle is pointing, which is not necessarily the same as the direction of travel (course over ground).

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_HDT (03)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##HDT string Message ID – HDT frame
1 Heading fff.ff True heading in degrees [0 - 360]
2 T char T indicates true heading
3 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
4 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GST message provides detailed position error statistics of the Kalman filtered position solution.
It is important to note that the data reflects the estimated inertial position and not the GNSS quality fix directly.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GST (04)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##GST string Message ID – GST frame
1 Time UTC Time, current time
2 psrResidual NULL RMS value of pseudorange residuals. Always NULL, not supported.
3 sMajorAxisError fff.fff Error ellipse semi-major axis 1 sigma error, in meters
4 sMinorAxisError fff.fff Error ellipse semi-minor axis 1 sigma error, in meters
5 errorEllipseAng fff.ff Error ellipse orientation, degrees from true north [0 - 360]
6 latError fff.fff Latitude 1 sigma error, in meters
7 longError fff.fff Longitude 1 sigma error, in meters
8 altError fff.fff Height 1 sigma error, in meters
9 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
10 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_VBW message outputs Ground and Water speed from the INS data fusion algorithm. The data are expressed in the INS (body) frame.
This log is filled correctly only if the INS receives valid bottom tracking and water tracking DVL data. Bottom and water velocities are used by the Inertial Navigation System Kalman filter to estimate the water current and compute the water speed in the vessel coordinate frame.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_VBW (05)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##VBW string Message ID – VBW frame
1 longWaterSpeed fff.fff Longitudinal water speed, knots (positive forward)
2 transvWaterSpeed fff.fff Transverse water speed, knots (positive right)
3 waterSpeedValid char Status: Water speed, A = Data valid, V = Invalid
4 longGroundSpeed fff.fff Longitudinal ground speed, knots (positive forward)
5 transvGroundSpeed fff.fff Transverse ground speed, knots (positive right)
6 groundSpeedValid char Status: Ground speed, A = Data valid, V = Invalid
7 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
8 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_DPT message outputs the depth in meters as received by the device from an external pressure sensor.
This value is untouched by the device and is basically a copy of the received data. This log is filled correctly only if valid pressure sensor data are fed to the INS.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_DPT (07)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##DPT string Message ID – DPT frame
1 Depth fff.fff Depth below surface in meters (positive down)
2 Offset fff.fff Offset from transducer. Not supported, always empty.
3 Range Scale fff.fff Maximum range scale in use. Not supported, always empty.
4 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
5 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_VTG message reports the track and velocity over ground as computed by the Kalman filter.
It includes a quality indicator similar to the RMC message.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_VTG (08)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##VTG string Message ID – VTG frame
1 Course True fff.ff True course over ground in degrees [0; 360]
2 T char Course over ground is relative to true north
3 Course Magnetic fff.ff Magnetic course over ground in degrees [0; 360]
4 M char Course over ground is relative to magnetic north
5 Speed Knots fff.fff Ground speed in knots
6 N char The speed is expressed in knots
7 Speed Km/h fff.fff Ground speed in kilometers per hour
8 K char The speed is expressed in kilometers per hour
9 Mode char Position mode indicator (see definition in Quality indicators section)
10 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
11 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
The position mode indicator is computed using the INS position's estimated standard deviation, and is not directly related to the GNSS solution.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_ROT message outputs the INS rate of turn around the down axis. This is not the IMU gyroscope Z value but rather the true heading derivative.
This log is filled correctly only if the INS has valid roll, pitch, and heading values.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_ROT (09)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##ROT string Message ID – ROT frame
1 Rate fff.ff Down rate of turn in degrees/minute (positive clockwise) or empty if invalid
2 Status - ‘A’ if the rate of turn is valid or ‘V’ if invalid
3 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
4 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GSV message reports GNSS satellites in view. For each satellite, information such as elevation, azimuth, and SNR is provided.


The NMEA talker ID is used to output satellite information for each constellation:

  • GPGSV: Lists all visible GPS and SBAS satellites with associated information.
  • GLGSV: Lists all visible GLONASS satellites with associated information.
  • GAGSV: Lists all visible Galileo satellites with associated information.
  • GBGSV: Lists all visible BeiDou satellites with associated information.
  • GIGSV: Lists all visible NavIC satellites with associated information.
  • GQGSV: Lists all visible QZSS satellites with associated information.
SBG Systems products do not output GNGSV messages to comply with NMEA standards.

Message Re-Assembly

GSV messages are sent using multiple NMEA frames to comply with the 80-character limit. Each GSV message contains the total number of messages as well as the current message number. Using this information, it is possible to reassemble the GSV message and get all visible satellites for each constellation.

Empty Message Example

The following message is sent by the INS when there is no GNSS reception:


Multi-Constellation Example

The following example shows a typical GSV reporting when tracking multi-constellation satellites in a clean environment. Each constellation contains multiple GSV messages sent sequentially. An empty line has been intentionally inserted between each constellation for readability; this empty line is not output by the product.


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_GSV (10)
  • Compatibility: GNSS-capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $##GSV string Message ID – GSV frame
1 Total Msg Count d Total number of messages to reassemble for this constellation (1-9)
2 Msg Number d Current message being transmitted for this constellation (1-9)
3 Sv Count dd Total number of satellites in view for this constellation
4 PRN/ID dd Satellite PRN numbers or ID depending on the constellation
5 Elevation dd Satellite elevation in degrees [-90 to +90°]
6 Azimuth ddd Satellite azimuth in degrees [000 to +359°]
7 SNR dd Signal Noise Ratio (C/No) in dB [00 to 99 dB] - Empty if satellite is not tracked
... ... ... Repetition of PRN, Elevation, Azimuth, and SNR fields for each satellite in this message
8 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
9 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
If a satellite is tracked but the SNR is unknown, a default SNR of 60 dB is reported.

Proprietary NMEA Messages

The SBG_ECOM_CLASS_LOG_NMEA_1 (0x03) message class includes all proprietary NMEA messages and other non-standard messages that utilize NMEA formatting.
These messages primarily provide Kalman filtered data, including navigation, velocity, and attitude information.

The logs are generated mainly from the AHRS/INS solution, rather than directly from GNSS data.

Messages overview

The following list, provides a quick overview of all available logs for this message class.
It briefly describe which parameters are contained in each output log.

Name (MSG ID) Description
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGI (01) SBG Systems proprietary sentence. Contains rotation rates and accelerations.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGA (13) SBG Systems proprietary sentence. Contains EKF attitude and status.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGB (04) SBG Systems proprietary sentence. Contains attitude, heading, heave, angular rates, and velocity.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PRDID (00) RDI proprietary sentence. Reports pitch, roll, and heading.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PASHR (02) Proprietary NMEA-like message. Reports roll, pitch, heading, and heave.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_WASSP (12) Proprietary NMEA-like message for WASSP. Reports roll, pitch, heading, and heave.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHINF (05) iXblue NMEA-like log used to output status information.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHTRO (06) iXblue NMEA-like log used to output attitude and ship motion.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHLIN (07) iXblue NMEA-like log used to output roll and pitch.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHOCT (08) iXblue NMEA-like log used to output surge, sway, and heave.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_INDYN (09) iXblue NMEA-like log used to output position, heading, attitude, rate, and velocity.
SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_GGK (10) Trimble NMEA-like log containing time, latitude, longitude, and ellipsoidal height.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGI message is an SBG Systems proprietary NMEA log that provides accelerations and rotation rates in the body frame, along with accurate UTC timestamping.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGI (01)
  • Compatibility: All products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PSBGI string Message ID – SBG Systems proprietary NMEA identifier
1 timeUTC hhmmss.sss Current UTC time
2 gyroX fff.fff X Rotation rate in °/s from -999.999 to +999.999
3 gyroY fff.fff Y Rotation rate in °/s from -999.999 to +999.999
4 gyroZ fff.fff Z Rotation rate in °/s from -999.999 to +999.999
5 accelX fff.fff X acceleration in m/s² from -999.999 to +999.999
6 accelY fff.fff Y acceleration in m/s² from -999.999 to +999.999
7 accelZ fff.fff Z acceleration in m/s² from -999.999 to +999.999
8 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
9 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
The outputs are direct measurements from the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). They are not compensated for sensor bias, earth rotation rate, or gravity.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGA is an SBG Systems proprietary NMEA log that provides UTC time of day, heading, roll, pitch, and associated status and standard deviations.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGA (13)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PSBGA string Message ID – SBG Systems proprietary NMEA identifier
1 timeUTC hhmmss.sss Current UTC time
2 utcStatus char UTC time validity indicator:
‘i’ = Invalid
‘v’ = Valid with known leap second
‘d’ = Unknown leap second
Status is uppercase if UTC is synchronized with a PPS signal.
3 roll fff.fff Roll angle in decimal degrees, positive port side up [-180; 180°].
4 pitch fff.fff Pitch angle in decimal degrees, positive bow up [-90; 90°].
5 heading fff.fff True Heading angle in decimal degrees [0; 360°].
6 rollStd fff.fff Roll standard deviation in decimal degrees [0; 180°].
7 pitchStd fff.fff Pitch standard deviation in decimal degrees [0; 180°].
8 headingStd fff.fff True Heading standard deviation in decimal degrees [0; 180°].
9 solType char EKF smart solution type (see Smart Solution Type).
10 rollPitchStatus char Roll and Pitch validity flag:
‘i’ = Invalid (Standard deviation above threshold)
‘v’ = Optimal accuracy
11 headingStatus char Heading validity flag:
‘i’ = Invalid (Standard deviation above threshold)
‘v’ = Optimal accuracy
12 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $.
13 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed

Smart Solution Type

This status indicates the operating mode of the navigation filter and the type of input position or velocity being used.
It also denotes whether the INS is aligned, using lowercase or uppercase characters:

  • Lowercase: INS is not yet aligned.
  • Uppercase: INS is aligned and delivering optimal accuracy.
Value Name Description
a Uninitialized EKF filter is not yet initialized. All measurements are invalid.
b Vertical Gyro EKF filter only computes valid roll and pitch information using the gravity reference.
c AHRS EKF filter computes roll, pitch, and heading using either magnetometers or dual GNSS.
d Nav Inertial Full INS solution by integrating accelerations – inertial only.
e Nav Vel. Const Full INS solution by integrating accelerations with vehicle constraints applied.
f Nav Odometer Full INS solution by integrating accelerations and odometer velocity.
g Nav ZUPT Full INS solution with Zero Velocity Updates to limit position drift.
h Nav DVL Full INS solution by integrating accelerations and DVL velocity.
i Nav GNSS Vel. Full INS solution using GNSS velocity but not the position.
j Nav USBL Full INS solution using USBL position.
k Nav GNSS Unkw. Full INS solution using unknown GNSS position type.
l Nav Single Point Full INS solution using GNSS single point position type.
m Nav DGPS Full INS solution using GNSS DGPS position type.
n Nav SBAS Full INS solution using GNSS SBAS position type.
o Nav RTK Float Full INS solution using GNSS RTK with float ambiguities position type.
p Nav RTK Fixed Full INS solution using GNSS RTK with fixed ambiguities position type.
q Nav PPP Float Full INS solution using GNSS PPP with float ambiguities position type.
r Nav PPP Fixed Full INS solution using GNSS PPP with fixed ambiguities position type.
If the INS is not fully aligned, the solution type is reported in lowercase. Once aligned, the solution type is reported in uppercase.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGB is an SBG Systems proprietary NMEA log that provides UTC time of day, heading, roll, pitch, heave, angular rates, and body velocities, along with standard deviations and status indicators.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PSBGB (04)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PSBGB string Message ID – SBG Systems proprietary NMEA identifier
1 Version char Version of this message – typically 1
2 timeUTC hhmmss.sss Current UTC time
3 utcStatus char UTC time validity indicator:
‘0’ = Invalid
‘1’ = Valid and PPS synchronized
‘2’ = Valid but no PPS synchronized
‘3’ = Unknown leap second and PPS synchronized
‘4’ = Unknown leap second and no PPS synchronized
4 roll fff.fff Roll angle in decimal degrees, positive port side up [-180; 180°].
5 pitch fff.fff Pitch angle in decimal degrees, positive bow up [-90; 90°].
6 heading fff.fff True Heading angle, in decimal degrees [0; 360°].
7 rollStd fff.fff Roll standard deviation in decimal degrees [0; 180°].
8 pitchStd fff.fff Pitch standard deviation in decimal degrees [0; 180°].
9 headingStd fff.fff True Heading standard deviation in decimal degrees [0; 180°].
10 rollPitchStatus char Roll and Pitch validity flag:
‘0’ = Invalid (Standard deviation above threshold)
‘1’ = Optimal accuracy
‘2’ = Degraded accuracy, alignment in progress
11 headingStatus char Heading validity flag:
‘0’ = Invalid (Standard deviation above threshold)
‘1’ = Optimal accuracy
‘2’ = Degraded accuracy, alignment in progress
12 heave ff.fff Heave, in meters, positive down.
13 heaveStd ff.fff Heave standard deviation in meters. – Fixed to 5 cm
14 heaveStatus char Heave status flag:
‘0’ = Invalid or initializing
‘1’ = Valid and velocity aided
‘2’ = Valid, standalone
15 rateX fff.fff Compensated body X angular rate in °/s, positive port side up.
16 rateY fff.fff Compensated body Y angular rate in °/s, positive bow up.
17 rateZ fff.fff Compensated body Z angular rate in °/s, positive clockwise.
18 velocityX fff.fff Velocity in X body axis in m/s, positive forward.
19 velocityY fff.fff Velocity in Y body axis in m/s, positive starboard.
20 velocityZ fff.fff Velocity in Z body axis in m/s, positive down.
21 velocityStd fff.fff Norm of X, Y, and Z velocity standard deviation in m/s.
22 velocityStatus char Velocity validity flag:
‘0’ = Invalid (Standard deviation above threshold)
‘1’ = Optimal accuracy
‘2’ = Degraded accuracy, alignment in progress
23 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $.
24 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PRDID message is a Teledyne RDI proprietary message that outputs the vessel's pitch, roll, and true heading angles in degrees.
It uses an NMEA-style formatting.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PRDID (00)
  • Compatibility: AHRS/INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PRDID string Message ID – Teledyne RDI proprietary NMEA identifier
1 Pitch fff.ff Signed vessel pitch in degrees, positive bow up.
2 Roll fff.ff Signed vessel roll in degrees, positive port up.
3 Heading fff.ff Vessel true heading in degrees [0 - 360]
4 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
5 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PASHR message is a proprietary NMEA log that provides roll, pitch, heading, and heave outputs.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PASHR (02)
  • Compatibility: AHRS/INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PASHR string Message ID – Proprietary NMEA identifier
1 timeUTC Current UTC time – empty if invalid
2 heading fff.ff Heading angle, in decimal degrees [0 – 360] – empty if invalid
3 T char True Heading
4 roll fff.ff Roll in decimal degrees. From [-180 – 180°] – empty if invalid
5 pitch fff.ff Pitch in decimal degrees. From [-90 – 90°] – empty if invalid
6 heave fff.ff Heave, in meters, positive down – empty if invalid
7 rollStd fff.ff Roll angle standard deviation in decimal degrees – empty if invalid
8 pitchStd fff.ff Pitch angle standard deviation in decimal degrees – empty if invalid
9 headingStd fff.ff Heading angle standard deviation in decimal degrees – empty if invalid
10 posStatus char Position Quality status
0 = No position
1 = All non-RTK fixed integer positions
2 = RTK fixed integer position
11 imuStatus char IMU & Sensor Status
0 = IMU is working correctly
1 = IMU sensor error
12 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
13 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_WASSP message is a proprietary NMEA log that provides roll, pitch, heading, and heave outputs.
This message shares the same structure as the PASHR message but has slight differences, such as the heave sign being positive up.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_WASSP (12)
  • Compatibility: AHRS/INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PASHR string Message ID – Proprietary NMEA identifier
1 timeUTC Current UTC time – empty if invalid
2 heading fff.ff Heading angle, in decimal degrees [0 – 360] – empty if invalid
3 T char True Heading
4 roll fff.ff Roll in decimal degrees. From [-180 – 180°] – empty if invalid
5 pitch fff.ff Pitch in decimal degrees. From [-90 – 90°] – empty if invalid
6 heave fff.fff Heave, in meters, positive up – empty if invalid
7 rollStd fff.ff Roll angle standard deviation in decimal degrees – empty if invalid
8 pitchStd fff.ff Pitch angle standard deviation in decimal degrees – empty if invalid
9 headingStd fff.ff Heading angle standard deviation in decimal degrees – empty if invalid
10 posStatus char Position Quality status
0 = No position
1 = All non-RTK fixed integer positions
2 = RTK fixed integer position
11 imuStatus char IMU & Sensor Status
0 = IMU is working correctly
1 = IMU sensor error
12 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
13 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHINF message is an Ixblue proprietary NMEA log that outputs the general system status.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHINF (05)
  • Compatibility: AHRS/INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PHINF string Message ID – Ixblue proprietary NMEA identifier
1 Status hhhhhhhh Hexadecimal value representing the INS status
2 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
3 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed

STATUS Definition:

The Status field is a 32-bit word that acts as a built-in test and control system status indicator.
It monitors different modes and sub-part statuses of the system in real-time, setting specific flags as needed.

Each flag is a bit set to “1” when the status is active (ON) and “0” when inactive (OFF).

Bit Name Description
0 IXBLUE_STAT_HEADING_UNVALID Set when the provided heading is invalid or still converging
1 IXBLUE_STAT_ROLL_UNVALID Set when the provided roll is invalid or still converging
2 IXBLUE_STAT_PITCH_UNVALID Set when the provided pitch is invalid or still converging
3 IXBLUE_STAT_HEAVE_INIT Set when the heave filter is in initialization phase
4 Reserved Reserved, not used
5 IXBLUE_STAT_ALIGNMENT Set during the alignment phase
8 IXBLUE_STAT_FOG_X1_ANOMALY Set when the gyroscope X built-in test has failed
9 IXBLUE_STAT_FOG_X2_ANOMALY Set when the gyroscope Y built-in test has failed
10 IXBLUE_STAT_FOG_X3_ANOMALY Set when the gyroscope Z built-in test has failed
11 IXBLUE_STAT_FOG_ACQ_ERROR Set when at least one gyroscope is out of range
12 IXBLUE_STAT_ACC_X1_ANOMALY Set when the accelerometer X built-in test has failed
13 IXBLUE_STAT_ACC_X2_ANOMALY Set when the accelerometer Y built-in test has failed
14 IXBLUE_STAT_ACC_X3_ANOMALY Set when the accelerometer Z built-in test has failed
15 IXBLUE_STAT_SENSOR_ERROR Set when at least one sensor is failing or out of range
16 IXBLUE_STAT_SERIAL_IN_A_ERROR Set when errors are detected on serial port A RX
17 IXBLUE_STAT_SERIAL_IN_B_ERROR Set when errors are detected on serial port B RX
18 IXBLUE_STAT_SERIAL_IN_C_ERROR Set when errors are detected on serial port C RX
19 IXBLUE_STAT_OUTPUT_OVERLOADED Set when at least one serial output is overloaded
20 IXBLUE_STAT_SERIAL_OUT_A_FULL Set when the serial output A is overloaded
21 IXBLUE_STAT_SERIAL_OUT_B_FULL Set when the serial output B is overloaded
22 IXBLUE_STAT_SERIAL_OUT_C_FULL Set when the serial output C is overloaded
27 IXBLUE_STAT_HRP_INVALID Set if at least one roll, pitch, or heading component is invalid


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHTRO message is an Ixblue proprietary NMEA log that outputs the unit's pitch and roll angles.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHTRO (06)
  • Compatibility: AHRS/INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PHTRO string Message ID – Ixblue proprietary NMEA identifier
1 Pitch x.xx Pitch angle in degrees
2 Pitch sign char 'M' for bow up and 'P' for bow down
3 Roll y.yy Roll angle in degrees
4 Roll sign char 'B' for port down and 'T' for port up
5 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
6 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHLIN message is an Ixblue proprietary NMEA log that outputs surge, sway, and heave data.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHLIN (07)
  • Compatibility: Heave capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PHLIN string Message ID – Ixblue proprietary NMEA identifier
1 Surge Signed surge in meters (positive forward)
2 Sway y.yyy Signed sway in meters (positive left)
3 Heave z.zzz Signed heave in meters (positive up)
4 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
5 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
Ixblue uses different conventions for ship motion measurements. In this frame, both sway and heave values are reversed compared to SBG Systems conventions.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHOCT message is an Ixblue proprietary NMEA log that outputs time, attitude, heading, and ship motion data.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_PHOCT (08)
  • Compatibility: Heave capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PHOCT string Message ID – Ixblue proprietary NMEA identifier
1 Protocol Ver. 01 Protocol version identifier
2 Time UTC Time, current time
3 UTC Status G UTC Time status: 'T'=Valid 'E'=Invalid
4 Latency AA INS latency for heading, roll, pitch (Not implemented, always set to 0)
5 True Heading HHH.HHH True heading in degrees (000.000 to 359.999)
6 Heading Status N True Heading status: 'T'=Valid; 'E'=Invalid; 'I'=Initializing
7 Roll Angle RRR.RRR Roll in degrees (positive if port side up); -180.000 to +180.000
8 Roll Status L Roll status: 'T'=Valid 'E'=Invalid 'I'=Initializing
9 Pitch Angle PP.PPP Pitch in degrees (positive if bow down); -90.000 to +90.000
10 Pitch Status K Pitch status: 'T'=Valid 'E'=Invalid 'I'=Initializing
11 Primary Heave FF.FFF Heave at Primary Lever arm in meters (positive up); -99.999 to +99.999
12 Heave Status M Heave status (also used for surge, sway & speed): 'T'=Valid 'E'=Invalid 'I'=Initializing
13 Heave HH.HHH Heave at desired lever arm in meters (positive up); -99.999 to +99.999
14 Surge SS.SSS Surge with Lever arms applied in meters (positive forward); -99.999 to +99.999
15 Sway WW.WWW Sway at desired lever arm in meters (positive left); -99.999 to +99.999
16 Heave Speed ZZ.ZZZ Heave speed at desired lever arm in m/s (positive up); -99.999 to +99.999
17 Surge Speed YY.YYY Surge speed at desired lever arm in m/s (positive forward); -99.999 to +99.999
18 Sway Speed XX.XXX Sway speed at desired lever arm in m/s (positive left); -99.999 to +99.999
19 Heading Rate QQQQ.QQ Heading rate of turn in °/min (positive clockwise); -9999.99 to +9999.99
20 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
21 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
Ixblue uses different conventions for ship motion measurements. In this frame, both sway and heave values are reversed compared to SBG Systems conventions.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_INDYN message is an Ixblue proprietary NMEA log that outputs position, heading, attitude, attitude rate, and speed data.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_INDYN (09)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $INDYN string Message ID – Ixblue proprietary NMEA identifier
1 Latitude x.xxxxxxxx INS latitude in degrees with 8 decimals
2 Longitude y.yyyyyyyy INS longitude in degrees with 8 decimals
3 Altitude z.zzz INS altitude above Mean Sea Level in meters, positive upward
4 True Heading h.hhh True heading in degrees (0.000 to 359.999)
5 Roll Angle r.rrr Roll angle in degrees, positive for port side up (-180.000 to +180.000)
6 Pitch Angle p.ppp Pitch angle in degrees, positive when bow down (-90.000 to +90.000)
7 Heading Rate Heading rate in °/s (positive when heading increases)
8 Roll Rate b.bbb Roll rate in °/s (positive when roll increases)
9 Pitch Rate c.ccc Pitch rate in °/s (positive when pitch increases)
10 Ground Speed s.sss Horizon speed in m/s (positive toward the bow)
11 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
12 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
The roll, pitch, and heading rates are not the same as the gyroscope values. Gyroscope values are expressed in the body frame (X, Y, Z) and are not unbiased.
In this message, Ixblue uses a different convention for orientation. The pitch angle is reversed compared to SBG Systems conventions.


The SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_GGK message is a Trimble proprietary NMEA log that outputs time, position, and GNSS-related quality indicators.

Message Format


Message Structure

  • Message Name (ID): SBG_ECOM_LOG_NMEA_1_GGK (10)
  • Compatibility: INS capable products
  • Firmware: ELLIPSE HPINS
Field Name Format Description
0 $PTNL string Talker ID – Trimble proprietary NMEA identifier, always PTNL
1 GGK string Message ID – Trimble proprietary NMEA identifier, always GGK
2 Time UTC time of solution, hours must be two chars
3 Date mmddyy UTC date of solution, month must be two chars
4 Latitude ddmm.mmmmmmmm INS latitude in degrees (0 to 90) and decimal minutes (8 decimal digits)
5 N/S char ‘N’ for Northern hemisphere latitude, ‘S’ for Southern hemisphere latitude
6 Longitude dddmm.mmmmmmmm INS longitude in degrees (0 to 180) and decimal minutes (8 decimal digits)
7 E/W char ‘E’ for Eastern longitude, ‘W’ for Western longitude
8 Pos. Quality char Position quality indicator using INS standard deviation (see Quality indicators)
9 SV used xx Number of satellites used in the solution (latest received GNSS fix)
10 HDOP z.z Horizontal Dilution of Precision (1 decimal digit) (see Quality indicators)
11 Height Height above ellipsoid with 3 decimal digits and must start with EHT
12 Height Unit M Always M: Height above ellipsoid measured in meters
13 Check sum *cs XOR of all previous bytes except $
14 End of frame <CR><LF> Carriage return and line feed
The position quality and DOP are computed using the INS position's estimated standard deviation and are not directly related to the GNSS solution.