Download OpenAPI specification:Download
All high performance SBG Systems Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) can be configured and interfaced using an easy to use RESTful API. This powerful API allows any developer to configure the device, execute specific actions such as starting/stopping the data logger and retrieve the device status.
This API however is not designed to return high frequency IMU or INS measurements and the sbgECom binary logs should be used instead.
The best example to illustrate what this API can be used for is the web interface embedded in SBG Systems' INS. This web interface relies only on this RESTful API to display the device status, allow the user configure the unit and access specific functions such as the data logger or the EKF Auto calibration module.
This RESTful API can be accessed through a traditional HTTP client/server scheme but also through a serial (UART) connection using sbgECom if the host has no Ethernet capabilities.
This document contains all paths and schemas implemented and supported by SBG Systems Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) RESTful API.
Each API endpoint in this documentation is described using several parts:
to restore the device default settings.This API provides a simple user authentication mechanism to restrict access to certain actions such as changing the device's settings. For instance, a survey operator should be able to start and stop the data logger, monitor the device and download acquired log files. However, he shouldn't change the device settings or update the device firmware.
It is also very interesting for OEM integrators to have a full access to setup the unit over a serial connection but avoid a end user to change the device settings through the device embedded web interface.
Finally, some users don't want to bother at all with access rights and users management with a full access to all actions without any login step.
All these scenarios are perfectly handled by this API using a simple user database with an associated use role.
User authentication is implemented by this API by a standard AUTH_TOKEN
to use in each subsequent request as an URL parameter. This AUTH_TOKEN
is created and returned following a successful user login. The table below summarize the standard OpenAPI security scheme used by this REST API.
SBG Systems' INS have a pre-defined list of users with associated access rights that can't be changed.
However, for each user, you can change the default password that is empty when you receive your unit.
The table below lists all available users and if a default password is set:
User | Password | Description |
viewer | NO |
Can monitor the device status and download files from the data logger. |
operator | NO |
Can use the data logger (start/stop) or reboot the device but can't change the settings. |
powerUser | NO |
All operator rights plus can change the device settings. |
setup | NO |
All the powerUser rights plus can update the device firmware and change other users' password. |
factory | YES |
Specific role reserved for SBG Systems to perform maintenance operations. |
The table below details for each user the associated pre-defined access rights:
User | Monitor | Setting | Calibration | Reboot | Logger | FTP | Firmware | License | Factory |
viewer | VIEW |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
operator | VIEW |
NO |
NO |
NO |
powerUser | VIEW |
NO |
NO |
NO |
setup | VIEW |
NO |
factory | VIEW |
All user related operations such as login, logout and password change are available in the User Section.
When a user is successfully logged in, a unique AUTH_TOKEN
is generated and returned in the JSON response body.
, that is basically a string, should then be used in each subsequent request to identify the user.
This REST API only supports URL parameter method to provide this AUTH_TOKEN
as shown in the example below.
HTTP header based methods are not supported at all to ease sbgECom C implementation support.
The default user is automatically selected by the unit at startup. It's the user with the highest role that has no password.
For instance, if the operator has a password but the setup has no password, the default user will be setup. An other example, if both the operator and setup have a password, the default user will be viewer.
If no authorization token is provided in URLs auth
parameter, the API automatically fallbacks to the default user. This way, if you are not interested in access right management, you can just leave the default empty password and don't provide any auth
URL parameter.
After a power on or following a device reset, no user is logged in and any previously obtained AUTH_TOKEN
is not valid anymore. For instance, if you were logged in as a setup user and execute a device reboot, you will have to redo the login process if you still need setup access rights.
However, to improve the user experience, SBG Systems' INS web interfaces have an auto login feature. The login credentials are stored locally in the browser so if you change the device settings and the device has to reboot, the web interface will automatically redo the login process once the device is ready. This way you don't have to enter twice your user name and user password.
By default, only the factory
user account has a pre-defined password set that is only known by SBG Systems. All other user accounts have no password meaning you have access to setup
rights without requiring any login process.
To start using access rights, you should thus first set a password to user accounts to restrict permissions on the product.
Any logged user can change his password at any time. However, only the setup
user can change other users' password.
To change a password, you should be successfully logged in using the route user/login and then you can use the route user/password with the AUTH_TOKEN
returned during the login process to update the user password.
If you would like to clear a user password, you just have to provide an empty password in the route user/password.
When used as a traditional RESTful API, only HTTP connections are supported and not HTTPS. An HTTP connection transmit all information in plain text so it's easy to intercept data between the server (the INS) and the client (the web interface). This type of 'attacks' is called a main-in-the-middle.
It's not a big concern for an INS as no sensitive information is transmitted except the user login and user password if you have set one. On the other hand use HTTPS connections raise a lot of complicated issues and concerns related to SSL certificates and as of today there is no good solution that doesn't impact negatively the user experience.
SBG Systems consequently recommends you don't use a sensitive user password as it could be relatively easy for an attacker to spy the password during login or password change operations.
This API only uses two HTTP methods to either retrieve resources or execute actions:
All over HTTP verbs such as PUT, PATCH or DELETE are not supported by the server to keep things simple.
This API uses standard HTTP status codes to report either a success or a failure. A success is only reported by the status code 200 and the response body always contains the requested resource or the result of an action using JSON.
All other status codes are used to report an error and the response body always contains a JSON detailing the error.
The table below list all HTTP response status codes used by the API.
Status Code | Description |
200 OK | Indicates that request has succeeded. |
400 Bad Request | The request could not be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax. |
401 Unauthorized | The request requires user authentication information. |
403 Forbidden | The client does not have access rights to the content. Unlike 401, the client’s identity is known to the server. |
404 Not Found | The server can not find the requested resource. |
409 Conflict | Unable to comply due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | The client has provided invalid input parameters. |
500 Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
It indicates that the REST API successfully carried out whatever action the client requested.
The 200 response includes always a response body. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request, for example:
400 is the generic client-side error status, used when no other 4xx error code is appropriate. Errors can be like malformed request syntax, invalid request message format, or deceptive request routing etc.
The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
A 403 error response indicates that the client’s request is formed correctly, but the REST API refuses to honor it, i.e., the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource. A 403 response is not a case of insufficient client credentials; that would be 401 (“Unauthorized”).
Authentication will not help, and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. Unlike a 401 Unauthorized response, authenticating will make no difference.
The 404 error status code indicates that the REST API can’t map the client’s URI to a resource but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible.
No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
A 409 status code indicates that the request is in conflict with the current state of the target resource. However, the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmmit the request.
This code is for instance used if a user would like to modify the device settings while an other one is already doing so.
The 422 response status code indicates that the server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions. It's probably due to invalid input parameters such as in invalid enum value.
The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
500 is the generic REST API error response. Most web frameworks automatically respond with this response status code whenever they execute some request handler code that raises an exception.
A 500 error is never the client’s fault, and therefore, it is reasonable for the client to retry the same request that triggered this response and hope to get a different response.
The API response is the generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable.
SBG Systems provides two way to access this RESTful API. Either using a traditional HTTP client/server implementation like for any REST API or by using the sbgECom C library that is able to transport the JSON content API other a standard serial (UART) connection.
This RESTful API has been designed to configure the device, execute specific actions such as starting/stopping the data logger and can also be used to return some status on the INS.
It's recommended you have already review the sbgECom C library documentation before you continue reading this document.
This REST API exposes resources and actions URLs also called paths. It returns HTTP response codes to indicate a success or an error. The API accepts and returns JSON payloads in the HTTP body. Only HTTP connections are accepted on standard port 80.
You can use your favorite HTTP/REST library for your programming language to use this API.
This example shows how to enable the SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_NAV message (ekfNav
) at 100 Hz using only curl command line tool.
Two methods are presented to illustrate how it is easy to change only specific configurations.
You can either use a POST method on the general settings
path with a JSON payload containing only the settings you would like to update:
curl --request POST \
--url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"output":{"comA":{"messages":{"ekfNav":"10ms"}}}}'
Or you can point directly to the settings you would like to change as shown below:
curl --request POST \
--url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings/output/comA/messages/ekfNav?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '"10ms"'
If you would like to setup your INS with a serial connection, SBG Systems provides the open source sbgECom C library. The sbgECom C library can be used to access all the REST API features as well as all binary output logs such as SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_NAV.
This example below, enables the SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_NAV message over the serial port B using two different methods as for the HTTP example.
You can for example use the general settings path and only provide in the JSON request the settings you would like to change. You will have to send the JSON below to change only the imuShort message on COM A.
"output": {
"comA" : {
"messages": {
"ekfNav": "10ms"
This JSON will then have to be sent using sbgECom on the settings path as shown below:
// We consider the sbgECom has been correction initialized
errorCode = sbgEComCmdApiPost(&protocol, "settings", "auth=QSZXHDPG3J", "{\"output\":{\"comA\":{\"messages\":{\"ekfNav\":\"10ms\"}}}}", &httpResponse);
Or you can also directly use the final end point as demonstrated in the example below:
// We consider the sbgECom has been correction initialized
errorCode = sbgEComCmdApiPost(&protocol, "settings/output/comA/messages/ekfNav", "auth=QSZXHDPG3J", "\"onChange\"", &httpResponse);
SBG Systems has developed a command line tool (CLI) to let you configure your unit with no development.
This CLI tool uses the sbgECom to let you access from a command line all GET and POST methods from this API. You
This example below, enables the SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_NAV message over the serial port B using two different methods as for the HTTP example.
$ ./build/bin/sbgEComApi -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -r 921600 -p settings/output/comA/messages/ekkNav -b "onChange"
This API has been designed to be as easy to use as possible.
We have however written some step by step guides so you can start using it in no time.
SBG Systems tries to avoid as much as possible evolutions that might break user code integration. However, this API intends to be updated with improvements, new features and much more.
A REST API, based on JSON files, is by design, much more resilient to future evolutions. If correctly implemented by the host application, a lot of changes can be made in the API without breaking the compatibility.
As for any REST API, there are two types of API evolutions:
This API is versioned using a Major.Minor.Build-Qualifier information. Only the Major and Minor fields are of interest for API compatibility. Any backward compatible modification is identified by a Minor evolution.
If an API evolution breaks the backward compatibility, this change is indicated by a Major increment.
This is also reflected in the API path that contains the Major version (api/v1/...
or api/v2/...
When a new Major API is introduced, the previous versions will still be available to maintain existing integration compatibility.
For example, if the api/v1/info
path is renamed with a completely new payload schema to whoAmI
, it should be made available at the path api/v2/whoAmI
However, you should still be able to query the path api/v1/info
to get the legacy response.
Each time a new API release is issued, the version number is updated and a detailed change log is provided in this documentation.
You can also easily retrieve the full API version indication in use by your product with the api/v1/info
Please refer to path info endpoint for more details.
All the device settings can be read and changed from this API. For example, all SBG Systems units use this API to change and read the configuration.
The API also provides some commands to restore default settings and import/export settings from JSON files. Finally, a basic lock/unlock mechanism is also present to nicely prevent settings concurrent editions.
Returns all the device settings at once.
Because the returned payload can be quite large, you can also query settings subsets. To do this, this RESTful API exposes routes that map the settings JSON layout.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "oem": {
- "label": "myCustomLabel"
}, - "imu": {
- "model": "internal",
- "refPoint": "coverTarget",
- "customRefPoint": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "mechanicalSetup": {
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "leverArms": {
- "cog": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output1": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output2": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output3": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
}, - "outputFrames": {
- "output1": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output2": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output3": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "vehicleSize": {
- "customSize": true,
- "size": [
- 5.81,
- 2.23,
- 2.11
}, - "insFilter": {
- "motionProfile": "automotive",
- "useRtkHeave": true,
- "validityThresholds": {
- "rollPitch": 0.2,
- "heading": 0.8,
- "velocity": 0.5,
- "position": 1.5
}, - "aiding": {
- "gnss1": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "gnss2": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "odometer": {
- "model": "pulse",
- "source": "comE",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "gain": 0.1,
- "gainError": 0.1,
- "reverse": false,
- "useVelocity": "auto"
}, - "airData": {
- "model": "internal",
- "source": "comD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "useAirSpeed": "auto",
- "useAltitude": "auto"
}, - "dvl": {
- "model": "teledyne",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "eventInD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useWaterVel": "auto",
- "useBottomVel": "auto"
}, - "depth": {
- "model": "genericNmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "useDepth": "auto"
}, - "usbl": {
- "model": "nmeaSSB",
- "source": "comD",
- "usePosition": "auto"
}, - "diffCorr": {
- "source": "none",
- "ggaInterval": "off"
}, - "magnetometer": {
- "model": "internalNormal",
- "source": "comD",
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useMagData": "auto",
- "hardIronCorrection": [
- 0.008,
- 0.02,
- -0.03
], - "softIronCorrection": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "calibrationMode": "3d"
}, - "localParam": {
- "latitude": 48.863611,
- "longitude": 2.361388,
- "height": 22,
- "date": "2024-03-12",
- "useOnBoardWMM": true,
- "magneticRef": [
- 20910,
- 654,
- 43636.6
}, - "network": {
- "ipv4": {
- "mode": "static",
- "ip": "",
- "ipGnss": "",
- "netmask": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "dns1": "",
- "dns2": ""
}, - "ntrip": {
- "hostname": "",
- "port": 2101,
- "encryptionEnabled": true,
- "mountPoint": "sbg",
- "authEnabled": true,
- "username": "user",
- "password": "password"
}, - "ntp": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "ptp": {
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "master",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "timeScale": "tai",
- "timeScaleOffset": -37,
- "transport": "udp"
}, - "ports": {
- "can": {
- "mode": "normal",
- "bitrate": 1000
}, - "comA": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comB": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comC": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comD": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comE": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "eth0": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth1": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth2": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth3": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth4": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "events": {
- "eventInA": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInB": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInC": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInD": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInE": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventOutA": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
}, - "eventOutB": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
}, - "output": {
- "can": {
- "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status01": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status02": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status03": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuAccel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuGyro": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaAngle": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfQuat": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfEuler": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfOrientationAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNedAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelBody": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "autoTrackSlipCurv": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHpInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAirSpeed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
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- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
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- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
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- "AHRS500": "20ms",
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- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
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- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
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- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
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- "magCalib": "20ms",
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- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
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- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
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- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
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- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
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- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
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- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
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- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
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- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
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- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "eth3": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
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- "magCalib": "20ms",
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- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
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- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
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- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
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- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
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- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
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- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
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- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
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- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
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- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
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- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
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- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
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- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "eth4": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
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- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
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- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
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- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
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- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
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- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
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- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "clock": {
- "source": "gnss",
- "mode": "internal",
- "leapSec": 18
}, - "dataLogger": {
- "mode": "backBox",
- "sessionName": "MyMission",
- "sessionNameLocked": false
Update completely or partially the device settings at once.
Because the returned payload can be quite large, you can also query settings subsets. To do this, this RESTful API expose routes that map the settings JSON layout.
checkOnly | boolean Example: checkOnly=true Optional path parameter to check settings without applying them |
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
object (OEM (integrators)) Set of specific settings for OEM integrators | |
object (IMU Setup) Select IMU model, installation alignment and reference point. | |
object (Mechanical Installation) Define the mechanical configuration of the INS within the vehicle. | |
object (INS Filter) Configure and tune the INS operations | |
object (Aiding Equipments) Manage and configure aiding equipments such as GNSS, odometers, etc | |
object (localParam) Local Parameters. | |
object (Network Setup) Configure all network services and its ip address. | |
object (Ports) Setup serial, virtual ethernet and CAN bus ports. | |
object (Event In/Out) Setup event input and output used for instance to synchronize external hardware. | |
object (Output Logs) Output logs and messages configuration | |
object (Clock Settings) Configure input clock and synchronization | |
object (Internal Data Logger) Internal data logger configuration and operating mode. |
{- "oem": {
- "label": "myCustomLabel"
}, - "imu": {
- "model": "internal",
- "refPoint": "coverTarget",
- "customRefPoint": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "mechanicalSetup": {
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "leverArms": {
- "cog": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output1": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output2": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output3": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
}, - "outputFrames": {
- "output1": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output2": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output3": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "vehicleSize": {
- "customSize": true,
- "size": [
- 5.81,
- 2.23,
- 2.11
}, - "insFilter": {
- "motionProfile": "automotive",
- "useRtkHeave": true,
- "validityThresholds": {
- "rollPitch": 0.2,
- "heading": 0.8,
- "velocity": 0.5,
- "position": 1.5
}, - "aiding": {
- "gnss1": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "gnss2": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "odometer": {
- "model": "pulse",
- "source": "comE",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "gain": 0.1,
- "gainError": 0.1,
- "reverse": false,
- "useVelocity": "auto"
}, - "airData": {
- "model": "internal",
- "source": "comD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "useAirSpeed": "auto",
- "useAltitude": "auto"
}, - "dvl": {
- "model": "teledyne",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "eventInD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useWaterVel": "auto",
- "useBottomVel": "auto"
}, - "depth": {
- "model": "genericNmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "useDepth": "auto"
}, - "usbl": {
- "model": "nmeaSSB",
- "source": "comD",
- "usePosition": "auto"
}, - "diffCorr": {
- "source": "none",
- "ggaInterval": "off"
}, - "magnetometer": {
- "model": "internalNormal",
- "source": "comD",
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useMagData": "auto",
- "hardIronCorrection": [
- 0.008,
- 0.02,
- -0.03
], - "softIronCorrection": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "calibrationMode": "3d"
}, - "localParam": {
- "latitude": 48.863611,
- "longitude": 2.361388,
- "height": 22,
- "date": "2024-03-12",
- "useOnBoardWMM": true,
- "magneticRef": [
- 20910,
- 654,
- 43636.6
}, - "network": {
- "ipv4": {
- "mode": "static",
- "ip": "",
- "ipGnss": "",
- "netmask": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "dns1": "",
- "dns2": ""
}, - "ntrip": {
- "hostname": "",
- "port": 2101,
- "encryptionEnabled": true,
- "mountPoint": "sbg",
- "authEnabled": true,
- "username": "user",
- "password": "password"
}, - "ntp": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "ptp": {
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "master",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "timeScale": "tai",
- "timeScaleOffset": -37,
- "transport": "udp"
}, - "ports": {
- "can": {
- "mode": "normal",
- "bitrate": 1000
}, - "comA": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comB": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comC": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comD": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comE": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "eth0": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth1": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth2": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth3": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth4": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "events": {
- "eventInA": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInB": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInC": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInD": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInE": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventOutA": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
}, - "eventOutB": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
}, - "output": {
- "can": {
- "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status01": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status02": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status03": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuAccel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuGyro": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaAngle": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfQuat": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
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- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "eth0": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "eth1": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "eth2": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "eth3": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "eth4": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "clock": {
- "source": "gnss",
- "mode": "internal",
- "leapSec": 18
}, - "dataLogger": {
- "mode": "backBox",
- "sessionName": "MyMission",
- "sessionNameLocked": false
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
This command will reset all the device to factory default and automatically perform a software reboot.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings/default?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Save the current settings to permanent memory so they will be applied at the new power cycle.
reboot | boolean Example: reboot=true Optional path parameter to reboot device |
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url 'http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings/save?auth=QSZXHDPG3J&reboot=false' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Export the device settings that have been changed from the device default configuration to a JSON file.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings/export?auth=QSZXHDPG3J&format=pretty \ --header 'Accept: application/octet-stream' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'
{- "status": 400,
- "title": "Bad Request",
- "detail": "Unable to parse the JSON payload, make sure it's correctly formatted."
Import a compatible JSON settings file that updates the current device settings, save them and reboot the unit.
A JSON file containing the settings to import. The JSON file can contain either all the device settings or only the ones to change. This JSON should comply to the schema documented in the path settings/export
The JSON settings file stream to upload
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings/import?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept:' \ --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -F file=@settingFile.json
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Request a lock on the device settings to safely modify them. This route is used to protect concurrent settings modifications on the same device from several clients (browsers)
For instance, SBG Systems' INS web interface uses this route each time the Settings
button is pressed to lock settings.
If the settings are already locked to someone else, this route should return a 409 Conflict HTTP status code. You can then warn the user and ask him if he wants to force this lock and thus discard the previous one.
If yes, just retry the lock request with the optional request body and the force parameter set to true.
This optional body is helpful to force access to settings if they are already locked to someone else. This situation can occur if the user closes the browser while he was editing the settings. In this case, you can force the device to revoke the previous lock and generate a new one.
force | boolean Set to true to force revoke the previous lock and generate a new one. |
{- "force": true
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Release the access to device settings, for a device that has been previously locked.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings/unlock?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
OEM device settings are useful for integrators that would like to store specific information or identification data.
Please feel free to contact SBG Systems support@sbg-systems if you are an OEM integrator and need additional settings.
Returns the device OEM settings.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/settings/oem \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "label": "myCustomLabel"
Update the device OEM settings.
You can provide all or part of the settings you would like to update. Of course, all the fields marked as required are mandatory to successfully update the settings.
If the settings have been updated successfully, you will be informed if a reboot is required.
label | string <= 32 characters User defined label that can be used for product identification |
{- "label": "myCustomLabel"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
You can view and change the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) configuration in this section.
These settings are very important to guarantee correct operations and are the first parameters to configure on a new product.
IMU Model
Some SBG Systems products such as Navsight processing units can use different external IMU models whereas other INS such as the Ekinox have an integrated (IMU).
An IMU model defines both the sensor error model used by the INS filter to deliver optimal results and some mechanical parameters. For example, each IMU model defines several IMU Reference Points (bare IMU, Cover Target, Base Plate Hole, ...) so the user can easily reference all the installation parameters to the selected reference point.
For products that support an external IMU, you have to select which IMU model is connected.
For other products such as Ekinox, Apogee or Quanta, you can't change the IMU model that has to be set to internal
Reference Point
You can select a reference point so all lever arm and outputs will be referenced to this point. This can greatly ease the INS installation and replacement.
You can even enter a custom reference point so you can use lever arms previously measured for an other INS without having to do the maths.
Custom Reference Point
The IMU reference point is expressed in the IMU body frame and referenced to the IMU physical sensor measurement point (Bare IMU). For example, a reference point of (0.5, 0, 0) will be 50 cm ahead the physical IMU measurement point.
You can refer to your IMU/INS documentation to get more information such as the precise location of the physical IMU sensor point.
This advanced setting is reserved for OEM integrators only and shouldn't be used without SBG Systems advices.
You can specify an additional rotation on the IMU. This can be helpful if you are planing to integrate an IMU in your own housing. Most of the time it's very complicated to align the IMU X/Y/Z frame with the frame defined by your housing.
To coop with that situation, you can specify a rotation between the IMU and your housing. If you combine this setting with the custom IMU reference point, you can offer a simplified experience to your users. You can introduce your own frame and reference point on your housing so your user can measure lever arms in respect to this frame.
On top of this alignment, your user can still configure the sensor to vehicle frame alignment parameter as simple as if it was a standard SBG Systems INS. Finally, Qinertia also supports all these settings to offer the best user experience available on the market for an integrated INS solution.
Please contact SBG Systems support team at to get more details on this setting.
Get the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "internal",
- "refPoint": "coverTarget",
- "customRefPoint": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
Update the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) configuration.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string (IMU Models) Enum: "internal" "ekinoxISurfaceV1" "ekinoxISubseaV1" "ekinoxISurfaceV2" "ekinoxISubseaV2" "pulse40V1" "apogeeISurfaceV1" "apogeeISubseaV1" "apogeeIOemV1" "horizonV1" Select the connected IMU model if supported by your product. |
refPoint | string Enum: "custom" "bareImu" "coverTarget" "basePlateHole" Defines where all lever arms and INS data should be referenced |
customRefPoint | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > ] IMU reference point lever arm to use in meters if |
object You can specify a custom a pre-alignment on IMU data (reserved for integrators) |
{- "model": "internal",
- "refPoint": "coverTarget",
- "customRefPoint": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Mechanical device settings are used to configure how the INS is installed within the vehicle and you can also define here additional output monitoring points.
You can also specify the vehicle dimensions so the 3D mechanical installation representation will be more accurate.
Returns the mechanical setup configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "leverArms": {
- "cog": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output1": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output2": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output3": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
}, - "outputFrames": {
- "output1": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output2": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output3": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "vehicleSize": {
- "customSize": true,
- "size": [
- 5.81,
- 2.23,
- 2.11
Update the mechanical setup configuration.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
object (alignment) Defines how the INS is aligned within the vehicle. | |
object (mechanicalLeverArms) You should define the Center of Gravity (COG) lever arm for best accuracy. You can also define additional output lever arms to deport measurements at a specific location. | |
object (outputFrames) Output frames for rotating measurements with custom orientations at specific locations. | |
object (vehicleSize) Specify the vehicle size for nice 3D representation |
{- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "leverArms": {
- "cog": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output1": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output2": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output3": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
}, - "outputFrames": {
- "output1": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output2": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output3": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "vehicleSize": {
- "customSize": true,
- "size": [
- 5.81,
- 2.23,
- 2.11
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the alignment configuration between the IMU and the vehicle.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
Update the alignment configuration between the IMU and the vehicle.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
rough | Array of strings = 2 items Items Enum: "forward" "backward" "right" "left" "down" "up" Defines the rough X and Y axis direction |
fine | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -180 .. 180 ] ] Defines the small additional roll, pitch and yaw corrections in degrees |
{- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the primary (cog) and output lever arm configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "cog": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output1": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output2": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output3": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
Update the primary (cog) and output lever arm configuration.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
cog | Array of numbers <float> (leverArm) = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X, Y, Z lever arm in meters |
output1 | Array of numbers <float> (leverArm) = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X, Y, Z lever arm in meters |
output2 | Array of numbers <float> (leverArm) = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X, Y, Z lever arm in meters |
output3 | Array of numbers <float> (leverArm) = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X, Y, Z lever arm in meters |
{- "cog": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output1": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output2": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "output3": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the output frames configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "output1": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output2": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output3": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
Update the configuration for custom output frames.
You can only include the output frames you would like to configure.
object (outputFrame) Output frame for rotating measurements with a custom orientation. | |
object (outputFrame) Output frame for rotating measurements with a custom orientation. | |
object (outputFrame) Output frame for rotating measurements with a custom orientation. |
{- "output1": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output2": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "output3": {
- "rotation": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the vehicle size configuration that is used in the web interface 3D view.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "customSize": true,
- "size": [
- 5.81,
- 2.23,
- 2.11
Update the vehicle size configuration that is used in the web interface 3D view.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
customSize | boolean True if you would like to define custom vehicle size or false to use the default one. |
size | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ 0 .. 1000 ] ] Custom vehicle length, width and height in meters |
{- "customSize": true,
- "size": [
- 5.81,
- 2.23,
- 2.11
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
SBG Systems INS are using an advanced Extended Kalman Filter to always deliver the best accuracy in all conditions.
Each application and vehicle has its own dynamics and constraints so the INS filter has to be tuned specifically to achieve the best accuracy. For optimal results, you have to select the right motion profile that best fit your application.
You can also define here specific advanced configurations related to the INS filter behavior.
Returns the Navigation Filter configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "motionProfile": "automotive",
- "useRtkHeave": true,
- "validityThresholds": {
- "rollPitch": 0.2,
- "heading": 0.8,
- "velocity": 0.5,
- "position": 1.5
Update the Navigation Filter configuration.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
motionProfile | string (Motion Profile) Enum: "default" "airplane" "automotive" "offRoadVehicle" "helicopter" "marineHarshSurvey" "marineSurface" "marineUnderwater" "pedestrian" "truck" "uav" "railway" "heavyMachinery" "static" Unique motion profile identifier that can be set to best fit your application. |
useRtkHeave | boolean Set to true to enhance the altitude with heave information during GNSS outages. |
object Defines custom threshold for INS data validity |
{- "motionProfile": "automotive",
- "useRtkHeave": true,
- "validityThresholds": {
- "rollPitch": 0.2,
- "heading": 0.8,
- "velocity": 0.5,
- "position": 1.5
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
SBG Systems INS can use a lof of different aiding equipments such as RTK GNSS receivers or odometers to improve the navigation accuracy. You can configure in this section which equipments are connected and for each aiding equipment its configuration.
Returns the configuration for each aiding equipment.
Each aiding input/equipment is returned as a specific JSON node.
All aiding equipments are not available on all products. Please refer to your product user manual to get the list of supported aiding inputs.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "gnss1": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "gnss2": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "odometer": {
- "model": "pulse",
- "source": "comE",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "gain": 0.1,
- "gainError": 0.1,
- "reverse": false,
- "useVelocity": "auto"
}, - "airData": {
- "model": "internal",
- "source": "comD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "useAirSpeed": "auto",
- "useAltitude": "auto"
}, - "dvl": {
- "model": "teledyne",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "eventInD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useWaterVel": "auto",
- "useBottomVel": "auto"
}, - "depth": {
- "model": "genericNmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "useDepth": "auto"
}, - "usbl": {
- "model": "nmeaSSB",
- "source": "comD",
- "usePosition": "auto"
}, - "diffCorr": {
- "source": "none",
- "ggaInterval": "off"
}, - "magnetometer": {
- "model": "internalNormal",
- "source": "comD",
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useMagData": "auto",
- "hardIronCorrection": [
- 0.008,
- 0.02,
- -0.03
], - "softIronCorrection": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "calibrationMode": "3d"
Set the configuration for all aiding equipments.
You can include one or more aiding equipment to configure.
All aiding equipments are not available on all products. Please refer to your product user manual to get the list of supported aiding inputs.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
object (gnss) Configure GNSS receiver aiding | |
object (gnss) Configure GNSS receiver aiding | |
object (odometer) Configure odometer (DMI) velocity aiding | |
object (airData) Configure barometric altitude and true airspeed aiding | |
object (dvl) Setup Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) aiding | |
object (depth) Setup subsea depth aiding sensor | |
object (usbl) Configure USBL subsea position aiding | |
object (diffCorr) Setup how GNSS differential corrections are received | |
object (magnetometer) Configure magnetometer aiding |
{- "gnss1": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "gnss2": {
- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
}, - "odometer": {
- "model": "pulse",
- "source": "comE",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "gain": 0.1,
- "gainError": 0.1,
- "reverse": false,
- "useVelocity": "auto"
}, - "airData": {
- "model": "internal",
- "source": "comD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "useAirSpeed": "auto",
- "useAltitude": "auto"
}, - "dvl": {
- "model": "teledyne",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "eventInD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useWaterVel": "auto",
- "useBottomVel": "auto"
}, - "depth": {
- "model": "genericNmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "useDepth": "auto"
}, - "usbl": {
- "model": "nmeaSSB",
- "source": "comD",
- "usePosition": "auto"
}, - "diffCorr": {
- "source": "none",
- "ggaInterval": "off"
}, - "magnetometer": {
- "model": "internalNormal",
- "source": "comD",
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useMagData": "auto",
- "hardIronCorrection": [
- 0.008,
- 0.02,
- -0.03
], - "softIronCorrection": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "calibrationMode": "3d"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Get the GNSS 1 receiver aiding configuration.
The GNSS can provide a PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) as well as dual antenna true heading and RAW GNSS data.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
Update the GNSS 1 receiver aiding configuration.
The GNSS can provide a PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) as well as dual antenna true heading and RAW GNSS data.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "internal" "nmea" "nmeaTrimble" "novatel" "septentrio" "trimble" "ublox" Select the connected GNSS receiver |
source | string (aidingSourceList) Enum: "none" "internal" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select on which port the aiding equipment is connected |
sync | string Enum: "none" "internal" "eventInA" "eventInB" "eventInC" "eventInD" "eventInE" "eventOutA" "eventOutB" Select where the GNSS PPS signal is connected |
antenna | string [ 0 .. 20 ] characters Select the internal GNSS receiver antenna model ANTEX identifier to correctly account for ARP to APC (L1/L2) offsets. You can define the antenna model only for the internal GNSS receiver.
headingMode | string Enum: "singleAntenna" "dualAntennaAutoLeverArm" "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm" Select if you would like to use GNSS dual antenna heading and if the secondary GNSS antenna lever arm is known or should be estimated:
leverArmPrimary | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] Primary X,Y,Z lever arm in meters from the INS to the GNSS antenna ARP. |
leverArmSecondary | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] Secondary X,Y,Z lever arm in meters from the INS to the GNSS antenna ARP. |
usePosition | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
useDualAntenna | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
{- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Get the GNSS 2 receiver aiding configuration.
The GNSS can provide a PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) as well as dual antenna true heading and RAW GNSS data.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
Update the GNSS 2 receiver aiding configuration.
The GNSS can provide a PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) as well as dual antenna true heading and RAW GNSS data.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "internal" "nmea" "nmeaTrimble" "novatel" "septentrio" "trimble" "ublox" Select the connected GNSS receiver |
source | string (aidingSourceList) Enum: "none" "internal" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select on which port the aiding equipment is connected |
sync | string Enum: "none" "internal" "eventInA" "eventInB" "eventInC" "eventInD" "eventInE" "eventOutA" "eventOutB" Select where the GNSS PPS signal is connected |
antenna | string [ 0 .. 20 ] characters Select the internal GNSS receiver antenna model ANTEX identifier to correctly account for ARP to APC (L1/L2) offsets. You can define the antenna model only for the internal GNSS receiver.
headingMode | string Enum: "singleAntenna" "dualAntennaAutoLeverArm" "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm" Select if you would like to use GNSS dual antenna heading and if the secondary GNSS antenna lever arm is known or should be estimated:
leverArmPrimary | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] Primary X,Y,Z lever arm in meters from the INS to the GNSS antenna ARP. |
leverArmSecondary | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] Secondary X,Y,Z lever arm in meters from the INS to the GNSS antenna ARP. |
usePosition | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
useDualAntenna | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
{- "model": "nmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "internal",
- "antenna": "TRM115000.00 NONE",
- "headingMode": "dualAntennaKnownLeverArm",
- "leverArmPrimary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "leverArmSecondary": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "usePosition": "auto",
- "useDualAntenna": "auto"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Get the odometer (DMI) aiding configuration.
The odometer or DMI (Distance Measurement Instrument) can provide a 1D velocity that is very helpful for car applications in dense urban canyons. The INS position accuracy can be greatly improved in case of long GNSS outages and in very challenging conditions.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "pulse",
- "source": "comE",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "gain": 0.1,
- "gainError": 0.1,
- "reverse": false,
- "useVelocity": "auto"
Update the odometer (DMI) aiding configuration.
The odometer or DMI (Distance Measurement Instrument) can provide a 1D velocity that is very helpful for car applications in dense urban canyons. The INS position accuracy can be greatly improved in case of long GNSS outages and in very challenging conditions.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "pulse" "canProp00" Select the connected odometer model |
source | string Enum: "none" "odoA" "odoAB" "can" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" Select on which port the odometer is connected |
leverArm | Array of numbers <float> (leverArm) = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X, Y, Z lever arm in meters |
gain | number <float> >= 0.1 Odometer gain, in pulses per meter. Currently, this value is ignored for all but the pulse model. |
gainError | number <float> [ 0.1 .. 100 ] Odometer gain error error in percent Currently, this value is ignored for all but the pulse model. |
reverse | boolean Set to true to reverse the velocity sign |
useVelocity | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
{- "model": "pulse",
- "source": "comE",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "gain": 0.1,
- "gainError": 0.1,
- "reverse": false,
- "useVelocity": "auto"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the air data aiding equipment configuration.
The air data aiding can provides a true air speed as well as a barometric altitude.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "internal",
- "source": "comD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "useAirSpeed": "auto",
- "useAltitude": "auto"
Update the air data aiding equipment configuration.
The air data aiding can provides a true air speed as well as a barometric altitude.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "internal" "eCom" "ahrs500" Select the connected AirData sensor |
source | string (aidingSourceList) Enum: "none" "internal" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select on which port the aiding equipment is connected |
leverArm | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X, Y, Z lever arm in meters from the INS to the pitot tube. |
useAirSpeed | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
useAltitude | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
{- "model": "internal",
- "source": "comD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "useAirSpeed": "auto",
- "useAltitude": "auto"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Get the DVL (Doppler Velocity Log) aiding equipment configuration.
The DVL can provide both a bottom track 3D velocity or a water layer velocity. This information can be used for marine applications to improve INS position accuracy during long GNSS outages.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "teledyne",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "eventInD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useWaterVel": "auto",
- "useBottomVel": "auto"
Update the DVL (Doppler Velocity Log) aiding equipment configuration.
The DVL can provide both a bottom track 3D velocity or a water layer velocity. This information can be used for marine applications to improve INS position accuracy during long GNSS outages.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "teledyne" "PD6" "wayfinder" "nortek" Select the connected DVL |
source | string (aidingSourceList) Enum: "none" "internal" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select on which port the aiding equipment is connected |
sync | string (eventsList) Enum: "none" "eventInA" "eventInB" "eventInC" "eventInD" "eventInE" "eventOutA" "eventOutB" Select which signal can be used to timestamp aiding data |
leverArm | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X, Y, Z lever arm in meters from the INS to the DVL. |
object Defines how the DVL is aligned with the INS. | |
useWaterVel | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
useBottomVel | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
{- "model": "teledyne",
- "source": "comD",
- "sync": "eventInD",
- "leverArm": [
- 0.05,
- 0,
- -0.01
], - "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useWaterVel": "auto",
- "useBottomVel": "auto"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the depth (subsea pressure sensor) aiding equipment configuration.
This aiding is only used for subsea applications to stabilize the INS altitude with a subsea pressure sensor information.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "genericNmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "useDepth": "auto"
Update the depth (subsea pressure sensor) aiding equipment configuration.
This aiding is only used for subsea applications to stabilize the INS altitude with a subsea pressure sensor information.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "amlMicroX" "rbrConcerto" "genericNmea" Select the connected Depth Sensor |
source | string (aidingSourceList) Enum: "none" "internal" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select on which port the aiding equipment is connected |
useDepth | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
{- "model": "genericNmea",
- "source": "comD",
- "useDepth": "auto"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the USBL (Ultra Short Baseline) aiding equipment configuration.
This aiding is only used for subsea applications to provide a subsea position information.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "nmeaSSB",
- "source": "comD",
- "usePosition": "auto"
Update the USBL (Ultra Short Baseline) aiding equipment configuration.
This aiding is only used for subsea applications to provide a subsea position information.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "nmeaSSB" "posidonia" Select the connected USBL |
source | string (aidingSourceList) Enum: "none" "internal" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select on which port the aiding equipment is connected |
usePosition | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
{- "model": "nmeaSSB",
- "source": "comD",
- "usePosition": "auto"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Get the GNSS differential corrections configuration.
The RTCM/NTRIP module is used to provide differential corrections to the internal GNSS receiver. This allows the internal GNSS receiver to produce a RTK solution with accuracies of 1 cm.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "source": "none",
- "ggaInterval": "off"
Update the GNSS differential corrections configuration.
The RTCM/NTRIP module is used to provide differential corrections to the internal GNSS receiver. This allows the internal GNSS receiver to produce a RTK solution with accuracies of 1 cm.
Please make sure in your INS user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
source | string Enum: "none" "ntrip" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select the differential corrections source |
ggaInterval | string Enum: "off" "1s" "5s" "10s" "30s" "60s" Interval between GGA messages output. |
{- "source": "none",
- "ggaInterval": "off"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the magnetometer aiding equipment configuration.
The magnetometer provides a 3D magnetic field information that can be used to estimate a magnetic heading.
Please make sure in your product user manual if this aiding input is available.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "model": "internalNormal",
- "source": "comD",
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useMagData": "auto",
- "hardIronCorrection": [
- 0.008,
- 0.02,
- -0.03
], - "softIronCorrection": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "calibrationMode": "3d"
Update the magnetometer aiding equipment configuration.
The magnetometer provides a 3D magnetic field information that can be used to estimate a magnetic heading.
Please make sure in your product user manual if this aiding input is available.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
model | string Enum: "internalNormal" "eComNormal" Select the connected magnetometer model. |
source | string (aidingSourceList) Enum: "none" "internal" "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" Select on which port the aiding equipment is connected |
object Defines how the external magnetometer is aligned with the INS. | |
useMagData | string (rejectionMode) Enum: "auto" "always" "never" Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
hardIronCorrection | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] X,Y,Z hard iron magnetic field offset. |
softIronCorrection | Array of numbers <float> = 9 items [ items <float > [ -1000 .. 1000 ] ] 3x3 soft iron calibration matrix. |
calibrationMode | string Enum: "2d" "3d" Defines the algorithm mode that has been used for compensating magnetometers against soft and hard iron effects. |
{- "model": "internalNormal",
- "source": "comD",
- "alignment": {
- "rough": [
- "forward",
- "right"
], - "fine": [
- 1.2,
- -0.8,
- 3.8
}, - "useMagData": "auto",
- "hardIronCorrection": [
- 0.008,
- 0.02,
- -0.03
], - "softIronCorrection": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "calibrationMode": "3d"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Setup local parameters computation settings such as the local magnetic declination.
Use the on-board World Magnetic Model to automatically calculate the local magnetic field's declination and inclination. A valid position and date are required, which can be specified in this section until a valid GNSS fix is obtained.
Alternatively, you can manually input the local magnetic field values and override the on-board World Magnetic Model computations.
Returns the local parameters configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "latitude": 48.863611,
- "longitude": 2.361388,
- "height": 22,
- "date": "2024-03-12",
- "useOnBoardWMM": true,
- "magneticRef": [
- 20910,
- 654,
- 43636.6
Update the local parameters configuration.
You can only include the nodes you would like to configure.
latitude | number <float> [ -90 .. 90 ] Latitude in degrees, positive north. |
longitude | number <float> [ -180 .. 180 ] Longitude in degrees, positive east. |
height | number <float> Height above the ellipsoid in meters, positive up. |
date | string <date> ISO 8601 current date. |
useOnBoardWMM | boolean Set to true to use on-board World Magnetic Model based on startup position, date and later GNSS positions when available. |
magneticRef | Array of numbers <float> = 3 items [ items <float > [ -99999 .. 99999 ] ] Local 3D magnetic reference vector (North, East, Down) in nT. The example is the magnetic vector at Paris, France the 2024-03-12. |
{- "latitude": 48.863611,
- "longitude": 2.361388,
- "height": 22,
- "date": "2024-03-12",
- "useOnBoardWMM": true,
- "magneticRef": [
- 20910,
- 654,
- 43636.6
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Network device settings are used to configure how the device can access the network and all network services such as NTP/PTP time servers. You can setup in this section if the INS should acquire an IP address using a DHCP server or if you would like to specify a static IP.
Returns the device network configuration and network services configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "ipv4": {
- "mode": "static",
- "ip": "",
- "ipGnss": "",
- "netmask": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "dns1": "",
- "dns2": ""
}, - "ntrip": {
- "hostname": "",
- "port": 2101,
- "encryptionEnabled": true,
- "mountPoint": "sbg",
- "authEnabled": true,
- "username": "user",
- "password": "password"
}, - "ntp": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "ptp": {
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "master",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "timeScale": "tai",
- "timeScaleOffset": -37,
- "transport": "udp"
Update the device network configuration and network services configuration.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
object (IPv4 Settings) Device network adapter IPv4 configuration. | |
object (NTRIP Settings) Device NTRIP client configuration. | |
object (NTP Settings) Device NTP server configuration. | |
object (PTP Settings) Device PTP server configuration. |
{- "ipv4": {
- "mode": "static",
- "ip": "",
- "ipGnss": "",
- "netmask": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "dns1": "",
- "dns2": ""
}, - "ntrip": {
- "hostname": "",
- "port": 2101,
- "encryptionEnabled": true,
- "mountPoint": "sbg",
- "authEnabled": true,
- "username": "user",
- "password": "password"
}, - "ntp": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "ptp": {
- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "master",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "timeScale": "tai",
- "timeScaleOffset": -37,
- "transport": "udp"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the device IPv4 network configuration.
You can define here if the INS should use a static IPv4 address or automatically obtain an address from a DHCP server. If you would like to enable DNS (Domain Name System) resolution, you should also setup correctly DNS servers.
DNS server are useful if, for example, the INS should connect to an NTRIP server that is referenced by a host name and not an ip address.
For now, SBG Systems products only support IPv4 protocol and not IPv6.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "mode": "static",
- "ip": "",
- "ipGnss": "",
- "netmask": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "dns1": "",
- "dns2": ""
Update the device IPv4 network configuration.
You can define here if the INS should use a static IPv4 address or automatically obtain an address from a DHCP server. If you would like to enable DNS (Domain Name System) resolution, you should also setup correctly DNS servers.
DNS server are useful if, for example, the INS should connect to an NTRIP server that is referenced by a host name and not an ip address.
For now, SBG Systems products only support IPv4 protocol and not IPv6.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
mode | string Enum: "off" "dhcp" "static" Set how the device can access an IPv4 network. |
ip | string <ipv4> IP address (static mode) |
ipGnss | string <ipv4> IP address for the internal GNSS receiver (static mode) |
netmask | string <ipv4> Subnet mask (static mode) |
gateway | string <ipv4> Gateway IP (static mode) |
dns1 | string <ipv4> Primary DNS server IP |
dns2 | string <ipv4> Secondary DNS server IP |
{- "mode": "static",
- "ip": "",
- "ipGnss": "",
- "netmask": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "dns1": "",
- "dns2": ""
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the device NTRIP client configuration.
Systems products only support NTRIPv2 protocol.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "hostname": "",
- "port": 2101,
- "encryptionEnabled": true,
- "mountPoint": "sbg",
- "authEnabled": true,
- "username": "user",
- "password": "password"
Update the device NTRIP client configuration.
Here you can define the connection to an NTRIP CASTER to receive differential corrections.
SBG Systems products only support NTRIPv2 protocol.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
hostname | string Caster hostname or IP address. |
port | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 65535 ] Caster port. |
encryptionEnabled | boolean Set to true to enable SSL/TLS encryption. |
mountPoint | string Caster mount point. |
authEnabled | boolean Set to true to enable authentication. |
username | string Username if authentication is required. |
password | string Password if authentication is required. |
{- "hostname": "",
- "port": 2101,
- "encryptionEnabled": true,
- "mountPoint": "sbg",
- "authEnabled": true,
- "username": "user",
- "password": "password"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the device NTP server configuration.
For now, SBG Systems products only support NTPv4 protocol.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "enabled": true
Update the device NTP server configuration.
For now, SBG Systems products only support NTPv4 protocol.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
enabled | boolean Set to true to enable NTP server. |
{- "enabled": true
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the device PTP server configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "master",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "timeScale": "tai",
- "timeScaleOffset": -37,
- "transport": "udp"
Update the device PTP server configuration.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
enabled | boolean Set to true to enable PTP server. |
mode | string Enum: "master" "passive" PTP Mode. The passive mode prevents the device from acting as a grandmaster clock. Its main purpose is to track and qualify other masters on the network. |
priority1 | integer <uint32> [ 0 .. 255 ] Priority1 attribute The priority1 PTP attribute may be used to force the selection of a master over others before considering other attributes such as class and accuracy. |
priority2 | integer <uint32> [ 0 .. 255 ] Priority2 attribute The priority2 PTP attribute may be used to force the selection of a master over others after considering other attributes such as class and accuracy. |
timeScale | string Enum: "tai" "utc" "gps" Internal time scale. The PTP time scale is normally International Atomic time (TAI), but some implementations may use another one, such as UTC, or GPS. Changing this setting affects how the internal PTP time is obtained. All PTP related measurements and outputs use this internal time scale. |
timeScaleOffset | number <double> Offset applied to the internal time scale, in seconds. This value is applied on the internal time scale to obtain the actual internal PTP time. |
transport | string Enum: "udp" "ethernet" PTP Transport. PTP can use either UDP or Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) as its transport protocol. |
{- "enabled": true,
- "mode": "master",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "timeScale": "tai",
- "timeScaleOffset": -37,
- "transport": "udp"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
SBG Systems products offer a lot of input and output ports such as serial, virtual ethernet and CAN bus.
You can enable/disable specific port and define its configuration such as a baudrate for a serial port.
Returns the current device ports configuration such as serial baud rates, CAN bus bitrate, ethernet UDP or TCP/IP.
In this section, only the low level / hardware part of the input/output ports can be configured.
If you would like to setup output messages, please check the Output Section
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "can": {
- "mode": "normal",
- "bitrate": 1000
}, - "comA": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comB": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comC": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comD": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comE": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "eth0": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth1": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth2": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth3": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth4": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
Update the current device ports configuration such as serial baud rates, CAN bus bitrate, ethernet UDP or TCP/IP.
In this section, only the low level / hardware part of the input/output port can be configured.
If you would like to setup output messages, please check the Output Section
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
object (canBus) CAN bus configuration | |
object (comPort) Serial port configuration | |
object (comPort) Serial port configuration | |
object (comPort) Serial port configuration | |
object (comPort) Serial port configuration | |
object (comPort) Serial port configuration | |
object (ethPort) Virtual ethernet port configuration | |
object (ethPort) Virtual ethernet port configuration | |
object (ethPort) Virtual ethernet port configuration | |
object (ethPort) Virtual ethernet port configuration | |
object (ethPort) Virtual ethernet port configuration |
{- "can": {
- "mode": "normal",
- "bitrate": 1000
}, - "comA": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comB": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comC": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comD": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "comE": {
- "mode": "rs232",
- "parity": "none",
- "baudrate": 115200
}, - "eth0": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth1": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth2": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth3": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
}, - "eth4": {
- "protocol": "udp",
- "udpIp": "",
- "udpOutPort": 32400,
- "udpInPort": 32405,
- "tcpClientHost": "",
- "tcpClientPort": 5566,
- "tcpServerPort": 5698
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the current device port configuration such as serial baud rates, CAN bus bitrate, ethernet UDP or TCP/IP.
In this section, only the low level / hardware part of the input/output port can be configured.
If you would like to setup output messages, please check the Output Section
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" "can" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "mode": "normal",
- "bitrate": 1000
Update the current device port configuration such as serial baud rates, CAN bus bitrate, ethernet UDP or TCP/IP.
In this section, only the low level / hardware part of the input/output port can be configured.
If you would like to setup output messages, please check the Output Section
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" "can" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
You can only include the port you would like to configure.
mode | string Enum: "off" "listenOnly" "normal" CAN bus mode |
bitrate | integer <int32> [ 10 .. 1000 ] CAN bus bitrate, in kbit/sec |
CAN bus enabled at 1 Mbit/s
{- "mode": "normal",
- "bitrate": 1000
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Configuration for input and output event markers that can be used to synchronize external equipments and time stamp data.
Input event markers can be used to time stamp external signals such as camera shutter event or to synchronize aiding equipments (PPS from a GNSS).
Output events are electrical signals generated by the INS and used to trigger an external equipment. They are also used to time stamp precisely measurements output by the INS.
Returns the configuration for all input and output events.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "eventInA": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInB": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInC": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInD": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInE": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventOutA": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
}, - "eventOutB": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
Update output and input events configuration.
Update the configuration for all input and output events.
object (eventIn) Event input marker configuration | |
object (eventIn) Event input marker configuration | |
object (eventIn) Event input marker configuration | |
object (eventIn) Event input marker configuration | |
object (eventIn) Event input marker configuration | |
object (eventOut) Synchronization output signal setup. | |
object (eventOut) Synchronization output signal setup. |
{- "eventInA": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInB": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInC": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInD": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventInE": {
- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
}, - "eventOutA": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
}, - "eventOutB": {
- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Return the configuration for a single input event / sync in.
id required | string Enum: "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" Example: A List of available input events that can be configured on the device. You should replace the {id} part of the path by a valid event name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
Update the configuration for a single input event / sync in.
id required | string Enum: "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" Example: A List of available input events that can be configured on the device. You should replace the {id} part of the path by a valid event name. |
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
trigger | string Enum: "off" "rising" "falling" "both" Select the signal edge to detect |
delay | integer <int32> You can add a constant delay in nanoseconds on the event. A positive delay means the event time stamp will be in the past compared to the real electrical signal. |
{- "trigger": "falling",
- "delay": 500
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Return the configuration for a single output event / sync out.
id required | string Enum: "A" "B" Example: A List of available output events that can be configured on the device. You should replace the {id} part of the path by a valid event name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
Update the configuration for a single output event / sync out.
id required | string Enum: "A" "B" Example: A List of available output events that can be configured on the device. You should replace the {id} part of the path by a valid event name. |
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
trigger | string Enum: "off" "distance" "directPps" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" Trigger condition to generate a sync out. |
polarity | string Enum: "falling" "rising" "toggle" Signal level change to use when the event is triggered. |
duration | integer <int32> [ 10 .. 500000 ] Signal pulse duration, in microseconds. The duration is ignored if the signal is configured to toggle. The duration must not cause the duty cycle to exceed 50%. |
distance | number <float> [ 0.01 .. 1000 ] Distance to travel in meters to trigger a sync out signal.
This field is only applicable for |
{- "trigger": "distance",
- "polarity": "falling",
- "duration": 50,
- "distance": 33.42
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
These settings are used to configure for each port which messages should be sent.
Some settings apply on the port itself such as if you would like to deport the measurements at a specific location. But mainly, you can enable/disable specific output logs and define their output rate and so on.
SBG Systems products feature several output ports including:
The Serial, Ethernet and Data Logger ports are handled exactly the same way and offer the same output logs. However, the CAN bus interface has specific and CAN messages.
Please make sure you have selected the right payloads/response bodies according to the port you are configuring.
Returns the output log configuration for all ports available on this product.
Ports can be a serial, ethernet, data logger or CAN bus.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "can": {
- "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status01": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status02": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status03": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuAccel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuGyro": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaAngle": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfQuat": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfEuler": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfOrientationAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNedAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelBody": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "autoTrackSlipCurv": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHpInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAirSpeed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "dataLogger": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
}, - "comA": {
- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
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Define the output configuration for all available ports at once.
Ports can be a serial, ethernet, data logger or CAN bus.
You can only include the port(s) you would like to configure.
object (CAN Output) CAN output messages configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration | |
object (Standard Output) Serial, Ethernet or dataLogger output logs configuration |
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{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the output configuration for the specified port.
The output configuration defines which messages have to be sent and at which rate on this port.
It also defines some settings related to the port itself that apply to all output messages.
For example, you can define, for each port, an output lever arm and the conditions to start generating outputs.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
Defines the output configuration for the specified port.
The output configuration defines which messages have to be sent and at which rate on this port.
It also defines some settings related to the port itself that apply to all output messages.
For example, you can define, for each port, an output lever arm and the conditions to start generating outputs.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
The fields to configure for the output settings. Only include the fields you want to configure.
object (NMEA configuration) NMEA output logs configuration | |
leverArm | string (outputLeverArms) Enum: "imu" "cog" "arm1" "arm2" "arm3" Select where the measurements should be deported |
startThreshold | string (startThreshold) Enum: "never" "powerOn" "utcValid" "positionValid" Define the criteria to meet to start output generation. Once started, logs will continue to be generated even if the criteria isn't met anymore. |
object (Standard Messages) List of all available output logs to configure. Deprecated Messages:
{- "nmea": {
- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
}, - "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the selected output lever arm for this port.
For each port, you can selected where the measurements have to be referenced / re-localized. The velocity and position is not the same on a boat that is experiencing some motions.
For example, at the COG (Center of Gravity) of a stationary vessel, there are very few surge/sway and heave motions. However, at the ship's bow, large vertical motions can be experienced due to pitch motion caused by waves.
Please keep in mind that only INS position/velocities/surge/sway/heave and related fields are affected by this. For instance, roll/pitch/heading obviously remains the same wherever you are on the vessel.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
Update the selected output lever arm for this port.
For each port, you can selected where the measurements have to be referenced / re-localized. The velocity and position is not the same on a boat that is experiencing some motions.
For example, at the COG (Center of Gravity) of a stationary vessel, there are very few surge/sway and heave motions. However, at the ship's bow, large vertical motions can be experienced due to pitch motion caused by waves.
Please keep in mind that only INS position/velocities/surge/sway/heave and related fields are affected by this. For instance, roll/pitch/heading obviously remains the same wherever you are on the vessel.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
All required fields have to be provided.
Select where the measurements should be deported
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the NMEA output configuration for this port.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
Update the NMEA output configuration for this port.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
Update the NMEA output configuration for this port.
talkerId | string (nmeaTalkerId) = 2 characters NMEA talker ID two characters prefix used to identify the type of the transmitting unit. |
mode | string (nmeaMode) Enum: "standard" "extended" NMEA output mode:
The length of 82 characters includes the starting delimiter and the terminating <CR><LF>. |
alwaysOutputTime | boolean (nmeaAlwaysOutputTime) Set to true to include UTC time in NMEA messages even if invalid. |
hdtOffset | number <float> (nmeaHdtOffset) [ -360 .. 360 ] Specifies an offset to apply to the NMEA HDT (Heading True) message generated directly from the GNSS receiver data. This offset is only applied to the message `gnssHDT`.
{- "talkerId": "GP",
- "mode": "extended",
- "alwaysOutputTime": false,
- "hdtOffset": 12.32
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the selected minimum criterial to meet to start generating data.
You can, for example, only start logging data when a valid UTC time has been received by the INS. This way, you can easily avoid logging invalid/useless data and save both time and space.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
Update the selected minimum criterial to meet to start generating data.
You can, for example, only start logging data when a valid UTC time has been received by the INS. This way, you can easily avoid logging invalid/useless data and save both time and space.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
All required fields have to be provided.
Define the criteria to meet to start output generation. Once started, logs will continue to be generated even if the criteria isn't met anymore.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns an array of all available output messages with their configuration for this port.
You can get in one command the configuration of all output messages available on this device.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
Update the configuration for multiple output messages on this port.
You can update in one command the configuration of all messages. You just have to include in the array which messages you would like to configure.
Messages not supported by this device will be ignored.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
You can only include the messages you would like to configure.
status | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
diag | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
sessionInfo | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
utcTime | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ptpStatus | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
imuData | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
imuShort | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
mag | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
magCalib | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ekfEuler | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ekfQuat | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ekfNav | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ekfVelBody | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ekfRotAccelBody | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ekfRotAccelNed | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ekfDebug | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
shipMotion | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
shipMotionHp | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps1Vel | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps1Pos | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps1Hdt | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps1Raw | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps1Sat | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps2Vel | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps2Pos | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps2Hdt | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps2Raw | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gps2Sat | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
rtcmRaw | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
odoVel | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
dvlBottomTrack | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
dvlWaterTrack | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
airData | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
usbl | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
depth | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
eventA | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
eventB | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
eventC | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
eventD | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
eventE | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
eventOutA | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
eventOutB | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
GGA | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
RMC | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
VTG | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ZDA | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
HDT | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ROT | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
GST | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
VBW | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
DPT | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
GSV | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gnssGGA | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gnssRMC | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gnssVTG | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
gnssHDT | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PRDID | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PHINF | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PHTRO | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PHLIN | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PHOCT | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
INDYN | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
WASSP | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
GGK | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PPS | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PSBGA | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PSBGB | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PSBGI | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PASHR | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
TSS1 | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
KVH | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
PD0 | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
SIMRAD1000 | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
SIMRAD3000 | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
SEAPATHB26 | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
KMB | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
DOLOGHRP | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
AHRS500 | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
ADA_01 | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
AT_ITINS | string (Standard message) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
{- "status": "20ms",
- "diag": "20ms",
- "sessionInfo": "20ms",
- "utcTime": "20ms",
- "ptpStatus": "20ms",
- "imuData": "20ms",
- "imuShort": "20ms",
- "mag": "20ms",
- "magCalib": "20ms",
- "ekfEuler": "20ms",
- "ekfQuat": "20ms",
- "ekfNav": "20ms",
- "ekfVelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelBody": "20ms",
- "ekfRotAccelNed": "20ms",
- "ekfDebug": "20ms",
- "shipMotion": "20ms",
- "shipMotionHp": "20ms",
- "gps1Vel": "20ms",
- "gps1Pos": "20ms",
- "gps1Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps1Raw": "20ms",
- "gps1Sat": "20ms",
- "gps2Vel": "20ms",
- "gps2Pos": "20ms",
- "gps2Hdt": "20ms",
- "gps2Raw": "20ms",
- "gps2Sat": "20ms",
- "rtcmRaw": "20ms",
- "odoVel": "20ms",
- "dvlBottomTrack": "20ms",
- "dvlWaterTrack": "20ms",
- "airData": "20ms",
- "usbl": "20ms",
- "depth": "20ms",
- "eventA": "20ms",
- "eventB": "20ms",
- "eventC": "20ms",
- "eventD": "20ms",
- "eventE": "20ms",
- "eventOutA": "20ms",
- "eventOutB": "20ms",
- "GGA": "20ms",
- "RMC": "20ms",
- "VTG": "20ms",
- "ZDA": "20ms",
- "HDT": "20ms",
- "ROT": "20ms",
- "GST": "20ms",
- "VBW": "20ms",
- "DPT": "20ms",
- "GSV": "20ms",
- "gnssGGA": "20ms",
- "gnssRMC": "20ms",
- "gnssVTG": "20ms",
- "gnssHDT": "20ms",
- "PRDID": "20ms",
- "PHINF": "20ms",
- "PHTRO": "20ms",
- "PHLIN": "20ms",
- "PHOCT": "20ms",
- "INDYN": "20ms",
- "WASSP": "20ms",
- "GGK": "20ms",
- "PPS": "20ms",
- "PSBGA": "20ms",
- "PSBGB": "20ms",
- "PSBGI": "20ms",
- "PASHR": "20ms",
- "TSS1": "20ms",
- "KVH": "20ms",
- "PD0": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD1000": "20ms",
- "SIMRAD3000": "20ms",
- "SEAPATHB26": "20ms",
- "KMB": "20ms",
- "DOLOGHRP": "20ms",
- "AHRS500": "20ms",
- "ADA_01": "20ms",
- "AT_ITINS": "20ms"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the output configuration for a specific message.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
stdMsgId required | string (Standard messages) Enum: "status" "diag" "sessionInfo" "utcTime" "ptpStatus" "imuData" "imuShort" "mag" "magCalib" "ekfEuler" "ekfQuat" "ekfNav" "ekfVelBody" "ekfRotAccelBody" "ekfRotAccelNed" "ekfDebug" "shipMotion" "shipMotionHp" "gps1Vel" "gps1Pos" "gps1Hdt" "gps1Raw" "gps1Sat" "gps2Vel" "gps2Pos" "gps2Hdt" "gps2Raw" "gps2Sat" "rtcmRaw" "odoVel" "dvlBottomTrack" "dvlWaterTrack" "airData" "usbl" "depth" "eventA" "eventB" "eventC" "eventD" "eventE" "eventOutA" "eventOutB" "GGA" "RMC" "VTG" "ZDA" "HDT" "ROT" "GST" "VBW" "DPT" "GSV" "gnssGGA" "gnssRMC" "gnssVTG" "gnssHDT" "PRDID" "PHINF" "PHTRO" "PHLIN" "PHOCT" "INDYN" "WASSP" "GGK" "PPS" "PSBGA" "PSBGB" "PSBGI" "PASHR" "TSS1" "KVH" "PD0" "SIMRAD1000" "SIMRAD3000" "SEAPATHB26" "KMB" "DOLOGHRP" "AHRS500" "ADA_01" "AT_ITINS" Example: ekfNav Each message that can be generated by the INS has a unique name/identifier. You have to use this message name to get/set its configuration. You should replace the {msgId} part of the path by a valid message name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
Update the output configuration for a specific message.
port required | string Enum: "comA" "comB" "comC" "comD" "comE" "eth0" "eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "dataLogger" Example: comA List of all available ports on the device that can be configured excluding the CAN bus. You should replace the {port} part of the path by a valid port name. |
stdMsgId required | string (Standard messages) Enum: "status" "diag" "sessionInfo" "utcTime" "ptpStatus" "imuData" "imuShort" "mag" "magCalib" "ekfEuler" "ekfQuat" "ekfNav" "ekfVelBody" "ekfRotAccelBody" "ekfRotAccelNed" "ekfDebug" "shipMotion" "shipMotionHp" "gps1Vel" "gps1Pos" "gps1Hdt" "gps1Raw" "gps1Sat" "gps2Vel" "gps2Pos" "gps2Hdt" "gps2Raw" "gps2Sat" "rtcmRaw" "odoVel" "dvlBottomTrack" "dvlWaterTrack" "airData" "usbl" "depth" "eventA" "eventB" "eventC" "eventD" "eventE" "eventOutA" "eventOutB" "GGA" "RMC" "VTG" "ZDA" "HDT" "ROT" "GST" "VBW" "DPT" "GSV" "gnssGGA" "gnssRMC" "gnssVTG" "gnssHDT" "PRDID" "PHINF" "PHTRO" "PHLIN" "PHOCT" "INDYN" "WASSP" "GGK" "PPS" "PSBGA" "PSBGB" "PSBGI" "PASHR" "TSS1" "KVH" "PD0" "SIMRAD1000" "SIMRAD3000" "SEAPATHB26" "KMB" "DOLOGHRP" "AHRS500" "ADA_01" "AT_ITINS" Example: ekfNav Each message that can be generated by the INS has a unique name/identifier. You have to use this message name to get/set its configuration. You should replace the {msgId} part of the path by a valid message name. |
All required fields have to be provided.
Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the output configuration for the CAN interface.
The output configuration defines which messages have to be sent and at which rate on this port. It also defines some settings related to the port itself that applies to all output messages.
For example, you can define an output lever arm and the conditions to start generating outputs.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status01": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status02": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status03": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuAccel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuGyro": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaAngle": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfQuat": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfEuler": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfOrientationAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNedAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelBody": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "autoTrackSlipCurv": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHpInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAirSpeed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
Define the output configuration for the CAN interface.
The output configuration defines which messages have to be sent and at which rate on this port. It also defines some settings related to the port itself that applies to all output messages.
For example, you can define, an output lever arm and the conditions to start generating outputs.
You can only include the fields you would like to configure.
leverArm | string (outputLeverArms) Enum: "imu" "cog" "arm1" "arm2" "arm3" Select where the measurements should be deported |
startThreshold | string (startThreshold) Enum: "never" "powerOn" "utcValid" "positionValid" Define the criteria to meet to start output generation. Once started, logs will continue to be generated even if the criteria isn't met anymore. |
object (CAN Messages) List of all available CAN messages to configure. |
{- "leverArm": "cog",
- "startThreshold": "utcValid",
- "messages": {
- "status01": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status02": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status03": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuAccel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuGyro": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaAngle": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfQuat": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfEuler": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfOrientationAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNedAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelBody": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "autoTrackSlipCurv": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHpInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAirSpeed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the selected output lever arm for the CAN interface.
For each port, you can selected where the measurements have to be referenced / re-localized.
The velocity and position is not the same on a boat that is experiencing some motions.
For example, at the COG (Center of Gravity) of a stationary vessel, there are very few surge/sway and heave motions.
However, at the ship's bow, large vertical motions can be experienced due to pitch motion caused by waves.
Please keep in mind that only INS position/velocities/surge/sway/heave and related fields are affected by this.
For instance, roll/pitch/heading obviously remains the same wherever you are on the vessel.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
Update the selected output lever arm for the CAN interface.
For each port, you can selected where the measurements have to be referenced / re-localized.
The velocity and position is not the same on a boat that is experiencing some motions.
For example, at the COG (Center of Gravity) of a stationary vessel, there are very few surge/sway and heave motions.
However, at the ship's bow, large vertical motions can be experienced due to pitch motion caused by waves.
Please keep in mind that only INS position/velocities/surge/sway/heave and related fields are affected by this.
For instance, roll/pitch/heading obviously remains the same wherever you are on the vessel.
All required fields have to be provided.
Select where the measurements should be deported
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the selected minimum criterial to meet to start generating data over CAN interface.
You can, for example, only start outputting data when a valid UTC time has been received by the INS. This way, you can easily avoid logging invalid/useless data and save both time and space.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
Update the selected minimum criterial to meet to start generating data over CAN interface.
You can, for example, only start outputting data when a valid UTC time has been received by the INS. This way, you can easily avoid logging invalid/useless data and save both time and space.
All required fields have to be provided.
Define the criteria to meet to start output generation. Once started, logs will continue to be generated even if the criteria isn't met anymore.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns an array of all available output messages with their configuration for the CAN interface.
You can get in one command the configuration of all output messages available on this device.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "status01": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status02": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status03": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuAccel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuGyro": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaAngle": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfQuat": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfEuler": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfOrientationAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNedAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelBody": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "autoTrackSlipCurv": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHpInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAirSpeed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
Update the configuration for multiple output messages on this port.
You can update in one command the configuration of all or some CAN messages. You just have to include in the array which messages you would like to configure.
Messages not supported by this device will be ignored.
You can only include the messages you would like to configure.
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration | |
object (CAN message) Single CAN message configuration |
{- "status01": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status02": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "status03": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "utc1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuAccel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuGyro": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "imuDeltaAngle": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfQuat": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfEuler": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfOrientationAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfPosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelNedAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "ekfVelBody": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "autoTrackSlipCurv": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotion2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHpInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "shipMotionHp2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag0": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag1": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "mag2": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "odoVel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "airDataAirSpeed": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "depthAltitude": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps1Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Vel": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2VelCourse": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Pos": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAlt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2PosAcc": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2HdtInfo": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "gps2Hdt": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeA": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeB": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeC": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeD": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventInfoE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
}, - "eventTimeE": {
- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Returns the output configuration for a specific CAN message.
canMsgId required | string (CAN messages) Enum: "status01" "status02" "status03" "utc0" "utc1" "imuInfo" "imuAccel" "imuGyro" "imuDeltaVel" "imuDeltaAngle" "ekfInfo" "ekfQuat" "ekfEuler" "ekfOrientationAcc" "ekfPos" "ekfAltitude" "ekfPosAcc" "ekfVelNed" "ekfVelNedAcc" "ekfVelBody" "autoTrackSlipCurv" "shipMotionInfo" "shipMotion0" "shipMotion1" "shipMotion2" "shipMotionHpInfo" "shipMotionHp0" "shipMotionHp1" "shipMotionHp2" "mag0" "mag1" "mag2" "odoInfo" "odoVel" "airDataInfo" "airDataAltitude" "airDataAirSpeed" "depthInfo" "depthAltitude" "gps1VelInfo" "gps1Vel" "gps1VelAcc" "gps1VelCourse" "gps1PosInfo" "gps1Pos" "gps1PosAlt" "gps1PosAcc" "gps1HdtInfo" "gps1Hdt" "gps2VelInfo" "gps2Vel" "gps2VelAcc" "gps2VelCourse" "gps2PosInfo" "gps2Pos" "gps2PosAlt" "gps2PosAcc" "gps2HdtInfo" "gps2Hdt" "eventInfoA" "eventTimeA" "eventInfoB" "eventTimeB" "eventInfoC" "eventTimeC" "eventInfoD" "eventTimeD" "eventInfoE" "eventTimeE" Example: ekfVelNed Each message that can be generated by the INS has a unique name/identifier. You have to use this message name to get/set its configuration. You should replace the {msgId} part of the path by a valid message name. |
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
Update the output configuration for a specific CAN message.
canMsgId required | string (CAN messages) Enum: "status01" "status02" "status03" "utc0" "utc1" "imuInfo" "imuAccel" "imuGyro" "imuDeltaVel" "imuDeltaAngle" "ekfInfo" "ekfQuat" "ekfEuler" "ekfOrientationAcc" "ekfPos" "ekfAltitude" "ekfPosAcc" "ekfVelNed" "ekfVelNedAcc" "ekfVelBody" "autoTrackSlipCurv" "shipMotionInfo" "shipMotion0" "shipMotion1" "shipMotion2" "shipMotionHpInfo" "shipMotionHp0" "shipMotionHp1" "shipMotionHp2" "mag0" "mag1" "mag2" "odoInfo" "odoVel" "airDataInfo" "airDataAltitude" "airDataAirSpeed" "depthInfo" "depthAltitude" "gps1VelInfo" "gps1Vel" "gps1VelAcc" "gps1VelCourse" "gps1PosInfo" "gps1Pos" "gps1PosAlt" "gps1PosAcc" "gps1HdtInfo" "gps1Hdt" "gps2VelInfo" "gps2Vel" "gps2VelAcc" "gps2VelCourse" "gps2PosInfo" "gps2Pos" "gps2PosAlt" "gps2PosAcc" "gps2HdtInfo" "gps2Hdt" "eventInfoA" "eventTimeA" "eventInfoB" "eventTimeB" "eventInfoC" "eventTimeC" "eventInfoD" "eventTimeD" "eventInfoE" "eventTimeE" Example: ekfVelNed Each message that can be generated by the INS has a unique name/identifier. You have to use this message name to get/set its configuration. You should replace the {msgId} part of the path by a valid message name. |
All required fields have to be provided.
id | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 536870911 ] CAN message identifier |
extended | boolean true for extended CAN messages id (29 bits instead of 11 bits) |
trigger | string (Output Trigger) Enum: "off" "500us" "1ms" "2ms" "4ms" "5ms" "10ms" "20ms" "25ms" "40ms" "50ms" "100ms" "200ms" "500ms" "1000ms" "onChange" "syncInA" "syncInB" "syncInC" "syncInD" "syncInE" Define criteria to output a new message, it could be either time based or event driven. |
{- "id": 377,
- "extended": false,
- "trigger": "20ms"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
In this part, you can access settings related to input clock management. SBG Systems IMU and INS support several clock modes to easily synchronize data with GNSS time or third party equipment.
Please feel free to contact SBG Systems support team at if you need assistance.
Returns the device clock configuration settings.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "source": "gnss",
- "mode": "internal",
- "leapSec": 18
Changes the device clock configuration settings.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
source | string Enum: "none" "gnss" "eventInA" "eventInB" "eventInC" "eventInD" "eventInE" Input signal used to synchronize the device clock. The input signal is used to determine when to trigger the main sampling/output loop, according to the selected mode. If If no input signal is available, either because none is configured, or none is received, the device uses its internal clock in a free running mode. |
mode | string Enum: "direct" "scaled" Input signal processing mode. The following options are available depending on the device:
All SBG Systems INS devices only implement the scaled mode to output data phased with GNSS time. However, SBG Systems IMUs should offer both modes. Please refer to the User Manual of the device to get more information about supported input clock modes and input clock frequencies. |
leapSec | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 100 ] Define the default leap second between GPS and UTC time. Once the device has a valid GNSS solution, the leap second will be updated anyway. |
{- "source": "gnss",
- "mode": "internal",
- "leapSec": 18
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
SBG Systems High performance INS feature an embedded and powerful dataLogger.
The data logger has several operating modes that can be configured. For example, you can ask the data logger to always start logging the data right after the power is applied. You can also setup the data logger to act as a blackbox that will automatically replace older logs if the disk is full.
The data logger also uses a session name to keep logged data organized. This session name is composed of a user supplied
string and, at the end, a unique 4 digits sequence number. For example, a typical session name could be MySession_0043
The data logger also offers a nice feature to handle both traditional operators and power users. You can define, in the settings, a default session name that will always be offered when a new data logger session is created.
However, you can also allow or not users to override this name directly when they start the data logger manually.
A typical use case could be during INS first installation and evaluation. It could be interesting to create data logger sessions with specific names for patch tests or calibrations. However, later on, when the INS is used in production by an operator, it could be safer to always use the same naming convention across all acquisitions.
Use this path to retrieve the current data logger configuration.
format | string Enum: "compact" "pretty" Example: format=pretty Optional path parameter to define how to format JSON output |
delta | boolean Example: delta=true Optional path parameter to output only settings changed from default |
{- "mode": "backBox",
- "sessionName": "MyMission",
- "sessionNameLocked": false
Use this path to change the internal data logger configuration. Any change in the data logger configuration is applied immediately and doesn't requirer a reboot.
You can only include the modules you would like to configure.
mode | string Enum: "startOff" "startOn" "resumeState" "blackBox" The data logger has several operating modes that are:
sessionName | string Default name to use when a new data logger session is created. |
sessionNameLocked | boolean Set to true to forbid users change the name from default when they start a new data logger session. |
{- "mode": "backBox",
- "sessionName": "MyMission",
- "sessionNameLocked": false
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "needReboot": true
Rejection modes configure the potential use of input data from aiding devices in the computation of an INS solution. These modes, also referred to as aiding usage options, determine how input data is handled:
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether airspeed aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/airData/rejections/airspeed \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable airspeed aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether barometric altitude aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/airData/rejections/altitude \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable barometric altitude aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether DVL water velocity aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/dvl/rejections/waterVel \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable DVL water velocity aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether DVL bottom velocity aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/dvl/rejections/bottomVel \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable DVL bottom velocity aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether GNSS 1 position and velocity aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/gnss1/rejections/position \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable GNSS 1 position and velocity aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether GNSS 1 dual antenna heading aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/gnss1/rejections/dualAntenna \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable GNSS 1 dual antenna heading aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether GNSS 2 position and velocity aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/gnss2/rejections/position \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable GNSS 2 position and velocity aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether GNSS 2 dual antenna heading aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/gnss2/rejections/dualAntenna \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable GNSS 2 dual antenna heading aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether magnetic heading could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/magnetometer/rejections/heading \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable magnetic heading aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the current rejection mode of the INS filter, indicating whether odometer velocity aiding could be accepted or rejected.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/odometer/rejections/velocity \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Dynamically adjust the INS filter rejection mode to enable or disable odometer velocity aiding.
Modifications to this parameter are temporary and not retained after a power cycle.
Defines if a measurement should be used or rejected.
is recommended most of the time as the INS will reject bad measurements automatically to only use good ones.
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
SBG Systems INS offer a unique feature to automatically estimate and refine GNSS lever arms and alignment installation parameters.
An INS need very accurate lever arm measurements between the IMU and the GNSS antenna to deliver optimal accurate and most importantly provide reliable measurements. It's not always easy to measure mechanical installation parameters at an accuracy better than 2 cm. It's even more complicated to precisely measure the alignment between the INS and a dual antenna GNSS system.
SBG Systems has developed a unique EKF Auto Calibration module to easily estimate automatically the mechanical installation parameter at a high level of accuracy.
This is done in two simple steps, you first have to start a new EKF auto calibration acquisition and perform specific patterns with motion dynamics. During the acquisition, you should review in real time both the progress and the estimated/refined mechanical installation parameters.
Once you have achieved the desired level of accuracy, you can apply the newly estimated settings to be used for next production acquisition.
Returns the current EKF auto calibration status and estimated lever arm and alignment values. You should use this route to know if a calibration is running or if a valid calibration has been applied.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/ekfAutoCal \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "status": "notApplied",
- "report": {
- "date": "2018-10-20T14:48:20.795Z",
- "duration": 800,
- "gnss1": {
- "leverArm": {
- "status": "good",
- "progress": 0.77345,
- "enteredLeverArm": [
- -0.931,
- 0.083,
- -0.816
], - "estimatedLeverArm": [
- -0.909,
- 0.069,
- -0.845
], - "estimatedLeverArmStd": [
- 0.025,
- 0.024,
- 0.082
}, - "alignment": {
- "status": "good",
- "progress": 0.77345,
- "hasUserLeverArm": true,
- "hasBaseLine": false,
- "enteredAlignment": [
- -0.01,
- 0.05,
- 2.1
], - "estimatedAlignment": [
- -0.03,
- 0.08,
- 2.19
], - "estimatedAlignmentStd": [
- 0.002,
- 0.003,
- 0.051
], - "enteredLeverArm": [
- 1.168,
- 0.083,
- -0.816
], - "estimatedLeverArm": [
- 1.189,
- 0.058,
- -0.0822
}, - "gnss2": {
- "leverArm": {
- "status": "good",
- "progress": 0.77345,
- "enteredLeverArm": [
- -0.931,
- 0.083,
- -0.816
], - "estimatedLeverArm": [
- -0.909,
- 0.069,
- -0.845
], - "estimatedLeverArmStd": [
- 0.025,
- 0.024,
- 0.082
}, - "alignment": {
- "status": "good",
- "progress": 0.77345,
- "hasUserLeverArm": true,
- "hasBaseLine": false,
- "enteredAlignment": [
- -0.01,
- 0.05,
- 2.1
], - "estimatedAlignment": [
- -0.03,
- 0.08,
- 2.19
], - "estimatedAlignmentStd": [
- 0.002,
- 0.003,
- 0.051
], - "enteredLeverArm": [
- 1.168,
- 0.083,
- -0.816
], - "estimatedLeverArm": [
- 1.189,
- 0.058,
- -0.0822
Initiate a new calibration acquisition used to estimate easily GNSS primary and secondary antenna lever arms. Please be aware that any previously acquired calibration session will be lost.
You can select which parameter has to be estimated by the auto calibration module.
For instance, you can have an accurate GNSS 1 primary lever arm measurement and you just would like to estimate the secondary GNSS antenna lever arm.
If you don't specify a parameter it will be considered to be disabled.
object GNSS 1 module auto calibration configuration | |
object GNSS 2 module auto calibration configuration |
{- "gnss1": {
- "leverArm": true,
- "alignment": true
}, - "gnss2": {
- "leverArm": true,
- "alignment": true
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
This method is used to both stop and apply an ongoing EKF auto calibration session but also to apply parameters that have been estimated previously. You can thus easily roll back to a previous successful calibration if you are not happy with the new one.
Please review below the two behaviors for this method:
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/ekfAutoCal/apply?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
If there is an ongoing EKF auto calibration session, it will be cancelled and the INS filter will be reset. If there was a previously recorded EKF auto calibration session it we be loaded so you can review it and even apply it if you need.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/ekfAutoCal/cancel?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
This sections lists all routes that can be used to read measurements from the device, get the INS status and query the device information.
Please be aware that this API doesn't replace the sbgECom binary output logs that is the way to go to access all readings at high frequencies. This RESTful API exposes routes to provide necessary information and measurements to monitor the device health on a web interface. The returned data and information should not be used for the mission itself.
You should also query the data at low update rates (up to 5Hz) to avoid too much network activity and CPU load.
Returns a summary of the device's current status and state.
You can check which aiding data is being received, the navigation filter (INS) state, and more.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/status \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "system": {
- "mainPwrValid": true,
- "imuPwrValid": true,
- "gnssPwrValid": true,
- "settingsValid": true,
- "tempOk": true,
- "cpuOk": true,
- "cpuUsage": 33,
- "upTime": 1832,
- "totalRunTime": 5421,
- "powerCycles": 21
}, - "aiding": {
- "gnss1": {
- "enabled": true,
- "hasPosition": true,
- "hasVelocity": true,
- "hasHeading": true,
- "hasUtc": true,
- "providesBestPvt": true,
- "providesBestHdt": true
}, - "gnss2": {
- "enabled": true,
- "hasPosition": true,
- "hasVelocity": true,
- "hasHeading": true,
- "hasUtc": true,
- "providesBestPvt": true,
- "providesBestHdt": true
}, - "odometer": {
- "enabled": false,
- "hasVelocity": false
}, - "airData": {
- "enabled": false,
- "hasAltitude": false,
- "hasVelocity": false
}, - "dvl": {
- "enabled": false,
- "hasWaterVel": false,
- "hasBottomVel": false
}, - "rtcm": {
- "enabled": true,
- "hasData": true
}, - "magnetometer": {
- "enabled": false,
- "hasMagData": false
}, - "ports": {
- "comA": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "comB": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "comC": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "comD": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "comE": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "eth0": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "eth1": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "eth2": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "eth3": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "eth4": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "can": {
- "status": "connected",
- "input": "valid",
- "inputDataRate": 0,
- "output": "valid",
- "outputDataRate": 425
}, - "ins": {
- "mode": "uninitialized",
- "type": "rtkFixed",
- "alignment": true,
- "accurateMode": true,
- "rollPitchValid": true,
- "headingValid": true,
- "velocityValid": true,
- "positionValid": true,
- "verticalUsed": true,
- "magUsed": false,
- "gnss1VelUsed": true,
- "gnss1PosUsed": true,
- "gnss1HdtUsed": true,
- "gnss1RawUsed": false,
- "gnss2VelUsed": true,
- "gnss2PosUsed": true,
- "gnss2HdtUsed": true,
- "odometerUsed": true,
- "airAltUsed": true,
- "airVelUsed": true,
- "dvlBtUsed": false,
- "dvlWtUsed": false,
- "usblUsed": false,
- "zuptUsed": false,
- "zaruUsed": false,
- "velConstUsed": true
}, - "shipMotion": {
- "rtValid": true,
- "rtInsAided": true,
- "rtSwellMode": true,
- "rtFreqValid": true,
- "delayedValid": true
}, - "utc": {
- "utcStatus": "invalid",
- "utcAccurate": true,
- "clockStatus": "aligned",
- "clockStableInput": true
}, - "imu": {
- "comOk": true,
- "statusValid": true,
- "accelXValid": true,
- "accelYValid": true,
- "accelZValid": true,
- "gyroXValid": true,
- "gyroYValid": true,
- "gyroZValid": true,
- "accelInRange": true,
- "gyroInRange": true
Returns the device information such as the product code, serial number etc.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/info \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "productCode": "EKINOX-D-G4A2",
- "serialNumber": "053000010",
- "hwRevision": "",
- "mnfDate": "2020-02-28",
- "mnfVersion": "1.4.713-stable",
- "macAddress": "98:5C:93:00:00:00",
- "btVersion": "1.9.109-stable",
- "fmwVersion": "3.1.2513-stable",
- "eComVersion": "4.0",
- "apiVersion": "1.2",
- "imu": {
- "id": "quantaStdV1",
- "productCode": "APOGEE-ISU-G2A1",
- "serialNumber": "060000001",
- "hwRevision": "1.1",
- "mnfDate": "2020-03-22",
- "btVersion": "1.2.589-stable",
- "fmwVersion": "1.6.455-stable"
}, - "features": [
- [
- "base",
- "vg",
- "ahrs",
- "nav",
- "portARx",
- "portATx",
- "generatorPortA"
], - "gnss": {
- "model": "UBlox ZED-F9P",
- "serial": "",
- "hwCode": "ZED-F9P",
- "hwVersion": "00190000",
- "swVersion": "HPG 1.32",
- "augmService": "",
- "augmAuthCode": "",
- "augmUserId": "",
- "outputRate": "",
- "signals": {
- "gpsL1": true,
- "gpsL2": true,
- "gpsL5": false,
- "gloL1": true,
- "gloL2": true,
- "gloL3": false,
- "bdsB1": true,
- "bdsB2": true,
- "bdsB3": false,
- "galE1": true,
- "galE5": true,
- "galE6": false,
- "qzssL1": false,
- "qzssL2": false,
- "qzssL5": false,
- "qzssL6": false,
- "navicL5": false,
- "navicS": false,
- "sbas": true,
- "lband": false
}, - "features": {
- "dualAnt": true,
- "rtk": true,
- "ppp": false,
- "raw": true,
- "raim": false,
- "nato": false,
- "im": true,
- "osnma": false,
- "clas": false
}, - "ppp": {
- "subscribedMode": "fugroG4",
- "expirationDate": "2020-02-28"
}, - "ipv4Address": "",
- "state": "upgrading",
- "updateProgress": 0.82,
- "stateMessage": "upgrading main firmware"
Returns a summary of the device's current data and measurements such as orientation, position, and IMU.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/data \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "dateTime": "2024-07-25T14:26:23.170Z",
- "imu": {
- "gyro": [
- 0.03,
- -0.09,
- 1.39
], - "accel": [
- 0.037,
- -0.045,
- -9.803
], - "temp": 37.7
}, - "ekf": {
- "euler": [
- 0.25,
- 0.21,
- 141.2
], - "eulerStd": [
- 0.057,
- 0.059,
- 0.15
], - "velNed": [
- 1.306,
- 0.061,
- -0.049
], - "velNedStd": [
- 0.036,
- 0.069,
- 0.026
], - "velBody": [
- 1.406,
- 0.021,
- -0.019
], - "velBodyStd": [
- 0.036,
- 0.069,
- 0.026
], - "latitude": -1.7764487394553956,
- "longitude": 1.7017110354468843,
- "height": 54.326,
- "altitude": 63.233,
- "posStd": [
- 0.018,
- 0.022,
- 0.053
], - "groundSpeed": 13.888,
- "trackCourse": 25.36
}, - "shipMotion": {
- "mainHeavePeriod": 12.5,
- "pointImu": {
- "position": [
- 0.03,
- -0.09,
- 1.39
], - "velocity": [
- 0.123,
- -0.129,
- 2.331
], - "acceleration": [
- 0.035,
- 1.409,
- -0.639
], - "heaveStdDev": 0.013
}, - "pointCog": {
- "position": [
- 0.03,
- -0.09,
- 1.39
], - "velocity": [
- 0.123,
- -0.129,
- 2.331
], - "acceleration": [
- 0.035,
- 1.409,
- -0.639
], - "heaveStdDev": 0.013
}, - "point1": {
- "position": [
- 0.03,
- -0.09,
- 1.39
], - "velocity": [
- 0.123,
- -0.129,
- 2.331
], - "acceleration": [
- 0.035,
- 1.409,
- -0.639
], - "heaveStdDev": 0.013
}, - "point2": {
- "position": [
- 0.03,
- -0.09,
- 1.39
], - "velocity": [
- 0.123,
- -0.129,
- 2.331
], - "acceleration": [
- 0.035,
- 1.409,
- -0.639
], - "heaveStdDev": 0.013
}, - "point3": {
- "position": [
- 0.03,
- -0.09,
- 1.39
], - "velocity": [
- 0.123,
- -0.129,
- 2.331
], - "acceleration": [
- 0.035,
- 1.409,
- -0.639
], - "heaveStdDev": 0.013
Provides detailed status and information about network-related functionalities, including:
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/network \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "ipv4": {
- "status": "static",
- "ip": "",
- "mask": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "dns1": "",
- "dns2": ""
}, - "internet": {
- "status": "success"
}, - "ntrip": {
- "status": "connected",
- "errorMessage": "unable to resolve host name, error:1 (FAILURE)"
}, - "ntp": {
- "status": "enabled"
}, - "ptp": {
- "status": "master",
- "timeScale": "tai",
- "timeScaleOffset": 37,
- "localClock": {
- "clockIdentity": "985c93fffe0005a7",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "class": 6,
- "accuracy": 34,
- "log2Variance": 34,
- "timeSource": 32
}, - "masterClock": {
- "clockIdentity": "985c93fffe0005a7",
- "priority1": 128,
- "priority2": 128,
- "class": 6,
- "accuracy": 34,
- "log2Variance": 34,
- "timeSource": 32,
- "ipAddr": "",
- "macAddr": "98:5C:93:00:00:00"
}, - "meanPathDelay": 0.0000111839999590302,
- "meanPathDelayStd": 7.17844343967045e-8,
- "clockOffset": 7.64999981583969e-7,
- "clockOffsetStd": 1.55284126890365e-7
Returns status and data for the GNSS receiver module.
gnss required | string Enum: "gnss1" "gnss2" Example: gnss1 Select the GNSS module to return status / data or information. You should replace the {gnss} part of the path by a valid gnss name. |
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local./api/v1/gnss1/satInfo \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "status": "enabled",
- "pvt": {
- "timeOfWeek": 374210600,
- "status": "single",
- "signals": {
- "gpsL1Used": false,
- "gpsL2Used": false,
- "gpsL5Used": false,
- "gloL1Used": false,
- "gloL2Used": false,
- "gloL3Used": false,
- "galE1Used": false,
- "galE5aUsed": false,
- "galE5bUsed": false,
- "galE5AltUsed": false,
- "galE6Used": false,
- "bdsB1Used": false,
- "bdsB2Used": false,
- "bdsB3Used": false,
- "qzssL1Used": false,
- "qzssL2Used": false,
- "qzssL5Used": false,
- "qzssL6Used": false
}, - "interference": "clean",
- "spoofing": "clean",
- "osnma": "disabled",
- "numSvUsed": 15,
- "numSvTracked": 45,
- "diffAge": 1.32,
- "baseId": 2365,
- "latitude": 48.909839517,
- "longitude": 2.167782761,
- "height": 90.6056,
- "altitudeMsl": 44.4902,
- "latitudeStd": 1.984,
- "longitudeStd": 1.8463,
- "heightStd": 1.7321,
- "velNorth": 0.046,
- "velEast": -0.011,
- "velDown": 0.01,
- "velNorthStd": 0.289,
- "velEastStd": 0.3132,
- "velDownStd": 0.2832,
- "course": 0,
- "courseStd": 180
}, - "hdt": {
- "timeOfWeek": 374210600,
- "status": "insufficientObs",
- "heading": 250.346,
- "headingStd": 0.123,
- "pitch": -1.32,
- "pitchStd": 0.623,
- "baseline": 2.03,
- "numSvTracked": 23,
- "numSvUsed": 16
Returns satellite information such as constellation, elevation and azimuth, and signals.
gnss required | string Enum: "gnss1" "gnss2" Example: gnss1 Select the GNSS module to return status / data or information. You should replace the {gnss} part of the path by a valid gnss name. |
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local./api/v1/gnss1/satInfo \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "satellites": [
- {
- "id": 21,
- "constellationId": "galileo",
- "elevation": 41,
- "azimuth": 241,
- "elevationStatus": "setting",
- "healthStatus": "healthy",
- "trackingStatus": "searching",
- "signals": [
- {
- "signalId": "galileoE1_B",
- "healthStatus": "healthy",
- "trackingStatus": "searching",
- "snr": 61
Some devices are equipped with the capability to perform an on-board calibration of their internal magnetometers to compensate for both soft and hard iron effects.
Calibration can be conducted in one of two modes:
Note that computing a magnetic calibration does not halt the acquisition of new magnetic data.
If the results do not meet your expectations, you may continue the calibration process and compute new results later.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/magnetometer/calibration \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "status": "success",
- "quality": "good",
- "trust": "high",
- "maxNumPoints": 500,
- "numPointsTotal": 423,
- "numPointsUsed": 385,
- "is2dCalibration": false,
- "enoughPts": true,
- "rollMotionValid": true,
- "pitchMotionValid": true,
- "yawMotionValid": true,
- "alignmentNumPtsTotal": 121,
- "alignmentNumPtsUsed": 76,
- "alignmentQuality": 0.0064,
- "alignmentEnoughPts": true,
- "alignmentKeptEnoughPts": true,
- "hardIronCorrection": [
- 0.063,
- 0.196,
- -0.056
], - "softIronCorrection": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "ellipsoidMatrix": [
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1
], - "beforeMeanError": 1.532,
- "beforeStdError": 0.323,
- "beforeMaxError": 2.321,
- "afterMeanError": 1.002,
- "afterStdError": 0.005,
- "afterMaxError": 1.123,
- "meanAccuracy": 0.0157,
- "stdAccuracy": 0.0035,
- "maxAccuracy": 0.0279
This action clears the list of acquired magnetic data to start a new magnetic calibration process.
mode | string Enum: "2d" "3d" Calibration mode |
{- "mode": "2d"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
High Performance INS have an internal data logger to offer a smooth and efficient post-processing workflow with Qinertia. It's also very convenient to secure acquired data and to troubleshoot the device installation.
With this API you can control all the data logger actions such as starting to log data, stopping the logging or clearing data. You can also access full data logger status to monitor it and make sure everything is working as expected.
Returns the current data logger status and associated information.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/dataLogger \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "status": "logging",
- "mode": "normal",
- "sessionName": "MySurvey_001",
- "writeSpeed": 123.36,
- "usedSpace": 1024,
- "totalSpace": 4096
Create a new data logger session given the optional session name to use or return an error if there is already a running session.
User can optionally specify a name for the new session to start.
The session name should contain only valid file name characters.
The characters \/?%*:|"<>.
are forbidden as well as non ASCII ones.
sessionName | string [ 1 .. 24 ] characters Session name to use for new data logger sessions |
{- "sessionName": "NewSurveyUAV"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Stop the current data logger session. If there is no running data logger session an error is returned.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/dataLogger/stop?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Empty the whole data logger disk by removing all files and sessions. If the data logger is currently logging, the current session is stopped, the disk is cleared and a new session is automatically restarted.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/dataLogger/clear?auth=QSZXHDPG3J\ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Returns the system status itself such as if the device is booting or running etc. This request should be used to check if the device is up and running.
{- "pwrMainOk": true,
- "pwrImuOk": true,
- "pwrGnssOk": true,
- "settingOk": true,
- "internalDisk": true,
- "tempOk": true,
- "cpuOk": true,
- "upTime": 523,
- "powerOnMinutes": 628810,
- "powerCycles": 1678,
- "cpu": 0.25,
- "utcDateTime": "2020-12-01T09:22:43"
Software reboot the device 2 seconds after this command has been issued. This method doesn't change the device settings.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/system/reboot?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
You can find in this section all paths used to manage users and access rights such as login/logout methods.
The API offers an efficient way to manage access rights and users to limit specific operations. For instance, a standard user can only monitor the device status but not change the settings.
The access right/authentication system is based on an authorization token as it offers both flexibility and ease of use.
Once logged in, a user session is tracked and represented by the authentication token auth
path parameter in subsequent API requests.
Please refer to section Authentication for more details.
Returns the logged user details given a valid authentication token parameter in the path.
You can also use this route with no authentication token to retrieve the default user and access rights.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/user?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "token": "QSZXHDPG3J",
- "username": "setup"
Checks if the provided username and password are valid and if yes, returns an authentication token that can be used later on for each request that requires an authentication. SBG Systems INS have a predefined list of users that can not be changed. You can however change for each user it's password. Please refer to section Authentication. for more details.
Specify which user has to be logged in with his password credentials. You can provide an empty string for password if the user has no password set.
Please remember that passwords are transmitted in plain text.
username required | string Enum: "viewer" "operator" "powerUser" "setup" "factory" The user to log |
password required | string The user password |
{- "username": "userOperator",
- "password": "setup"
{- "token": "QSZXHDPG3J",
- "username": "setup"
Log out a user that has been previously successfully logged in. The user to logout is identified thanks to the authentication token provided in the URL parameter. Once the user has been successfully logged out, the authentication token is no more valid and should not be used in further requests.
This route can only be called with a valid authentication token.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/user/logout?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
You can change the logged user password or the password of an other user if you are currently logged as a setup
or factory
This route can only be called with a valid authentication token.
Define the new password to use for either the currently logged user or an other user.
password required | string The new password to set. |
username | string Enum: "viewer" "operator" "powerUser" "setup" "factory" Optionally Specify which user password should be changed if it's not the currently logged one. |
{- "username": "setup",
- "password": "myPassword123"
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
You can find in this section the paths used to manage your product's licenses.
A license file is specific to a device, and can contain multiple permissions. A permission enables a set of features.
Licenses are installed by uploading the appropriate license file. The device automatically reboots once the installation is done.
The device periodically checks for permissions activation and expiration. If a permission becomes active or expired while the device is being used, the activation or the expiration is applied at the next reboot.
Expired permissions can be purged from the system.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/licenses?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "status": "valid",
- "permissions": [
- {
- "name": "hydro",
- "uuid": "421dd12e-a717-4242-a4d6-5a662847f312",
- "state": "active",
- "activation": "2024-10-23",
- "expiration": "2024-10-23"
Install a license file on the device.
If the installation is successful, the device automatically reboots.
The device needs a valid UTC time to activate a permission. If there is no valid UTC time on installation, the installed permissions remain in the pending state.
The license file, in multipart/form-data content type.
License file.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/licenses?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data @license_xxx.lic
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
Purge expired permissions from the device.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/licenses/purge?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
You can use this API to check current firmware status and update your device firmware.
Updating the device firmware is done in two steps, first you upload a new firmware archive and then you can install the new firmware. Once the installation step is completed, the device will reboot automatically with the new firmware.
During both the upload and installation process, you can query the device to get progress and status information.
The firmware update process is completely safe even in case of power loss.
This path provides information on the current firmware such as the firmware version and compatible firmware type.
It may also be used to monitor the progress of a firmware upgrade.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/firmware \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "version": "3.1.2513-stable",
- "type": "typeA",
- "status": "valid",
- "updateStatus": "uploading",
- "progress": 0.8
Upgrading the firmware is performed in two steps :
The progress of the current operation may be monitored.
The firmware archive binary stream itself, in multipart/form-data content type.
Firmware archive.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/firmware/upload?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -F file=@newFirmware.sar
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n",
- "firmwareIsOlder": true
This path may only be used after a firmware archive has been successfully uploaded. If successful, the unit automatically reboots.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request POST \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/firmware/install?auth=QSZXHDPG3J \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "title": "Settings successfully updated",
- "detail": "Settings have been updated successfully for user 'setup'\nHowever, the following JSON keys have been ignored:\n - baudrates\n - parities\n\nPlease review your payload and make sure it's not due to a syntax issue.\n"
SBG Systems' INS include a GNSS antennas database based on ANTEX files. It's important to specify the right GNSS antenna in the INS configuration to achieve the best accuracy and correctly take into account the antenna height measurements.
With this API, you can query the list of supported GNSS antennas with their associated ANTEX ID to use in the device configuration.
Returns a list of all GNSS antennas that can be selected for the primary or secondary GNSS antenna. Selecting the right antenna improve the accuracy by correctly taking into account the L1/L2 offset. It is also mandatory to reference lever arms to ARP instead of APC.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/antennas \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
{- "version": "",
- "antennas": [
- {
- "antexId": "3COAT-703 NONE"
}, - {
- "antexId": "3COAT-705 NONE"
}, - {
- "antexId": "3S-02-TSADM NONE"
}, - {
- "antexId": "3S-02-TSATE NONE"
Navsight solution is composed of a processing unit and an external Inertial measurement Unit (IMU). Different IMUs can be connected to the Navsight processing unit and the user has to select which one is connected correct operations.
Each IMUs has specific accuracies and/or packaging information such as a list of IMU reference points or the correct IMU alignment to apply.
With this API, you can retrieve the list of IMUs supported and available with associated IMU name/id to use in the device settings.
Returns the list of IMU models that is supported and can be selected for this unit.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/imus \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
[- {
- "id": "internal",
- "name": "EKINOX2 Surface",
- "manufacturer": "SBG Systems",
- "description": "The EKINOX2 is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.\\nThe surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.",
- "image": "sbgImuPicture imu-ekinox-i-surface",
- "model3dName": "EkinoxSurface3DModel",
- "leverArmList": [
- {
- "id": "bareImu",
- "name": "Bare IMU",
- "leverArm": [
- -0.0327,
- -0.0277,
- 0.0319
You can ask the device the list of supported output messages. With each message, you can also get additional information such as witch output triggers are available, for which motion profile this message make sense, ...
Returns the list of output messages support by this product as well as associated information.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/messages/std \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
[- {
- "id": "ekfNav",
- "triggers": [
- "20ms"
], - "name": "EKF Nav",
- "description": "Output the INS position",
- "category": "Standard NMEA",
- "motionProfiles": [
- "automotive"
Returns the list of CAN messages support by this product as well as associated information.
# URL request example using curl tool # with all mandatory and optional path parameters curl --request GET \ --url http://ekinox_023000029.local/api/v1/messages/can \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
[- {
- "id": "ekfVelNed",
- "triggers": [
- "20ms"
], - "name": "EKF Nav",
- "description": "Output the INS position",
- "category": "Standard NMEA",
- "motionProfiles": [
- "automotive"
In addition to NTRIP settings, it is possible to request a list of NTRIP mountpoints from the device. This allows testing NTRIP settings before applying them.
Returns a list of NTRIP mountpoints
hostname required | string Example: Host name or IP address of an NTRIP caster |
port | integer [ 1 .. 65535 ] Default: 2101 Example: port=2102 Port of an NTRIP caster |
authEnabled | boolean Default: false Example: authEnabled=true Enable authentication to an NTRIP caster |
username | string Example: username=user Username used for authentication |
password | string Example: password=pass Password used for authentication |
encryptionEnabled | boolean Default: false Example: encryptionEnabled=true Enable SSL/TLS encryption to an NTRIP caster Note that SSL/TLS support is provided for encryption only and doesn't provide authentication services. |
# URL get example over a serial port using sbgEComApi bash tool sbgEComApi -s /dev/ttyUSB2 -r 921600 -g -q "" /api/v1/network/ntrip/mountpoints
[- {
- "mountpoint": "string"