sbgECom Library  4.0.1987-stable
C library to interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
_SbgEComLogEkfQuat Struct Reference

#include <sbgEComLogEkf.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t timeStamp
float quaternion [4]
float eulerStdDev [3]
uint32_t status

Detailed Description

EFK computed orientation using quaternion.

Field Documentation

◆ timeStamp

uint32_t _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::timeStamp

Time in us since the sensor power up.

◆ quaternion

float _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::quaternion[4]

Orientation quaternion stored in W, X, Y, Z form.

◆ eulerStdDev

float _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::eulerStdDev[3]

Roll, Pitch and Yaw angles 1 sigma standard deviation in rad.

◆ status

uint32_t _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::status

EKF solution status bitmask and enum.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: