sbgECom Library  5.1.708-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
_SbgEComGnssInstallation Struct Reference

#include <sbgEComCmdGnss.h>

Data Fields

float leverArmPrimary [3]
bool leverArmPrimaryPrecise
float leverArmSecondary [3]
SbgEComGnssInstallationMode leverArmSecondaryMode

Detailed Description

GNSS mechanical installation parameters for use with the command SBG_ECOM_CMD_GNSS_#_INSTALLATION.

In ELLIPSE firmware 3.x and above, lever arms are always treated as precise, with no online re-estimation performed.
The leverArmPrimaryPrecise field is deprecated and implicitly considered true.

Field Documentation

◆ leverArmPrimary

float _SbgEComGnssInstallation::leverArmPrimary[3]

Primary GNSS antenna lever arm in IMU X, Y, Z axes (meters).

◆ leverArmPrimaryPrecise

bool _SbgEComGnssInstallation::leverArmPrimaryPrecise

[Deprecated] Indicates whether the primary lever arm is accurately specified; online re-estimation is not required.

◆ leverArmSecondary

float _SbgEComGnssInstallation::leverArmSecondary[3]

Secondary GNSS antenna lever arm in IMU X, Y, Z axes (meters).

◆ leverArmSecondaryMode

SbgEComGnssInstallationMode _SbgEComGnssInstallation::leverArmSecondaryMode

Defines the operating mode for the secondary (dual) antenna.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: