sbgECom Library  5.1.708-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
_SbgEComProtocol Struct Reference

#include <sbgEComProtocol.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t rxBuffer [SBG_ECOM_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]
size_t rxBufferSize
size_t discardSize
uint8_t nextLargeTxId
SbgEComProtocolFrameCb pReceiveFrameCb
void * pUserArg
uint8_t * pLargeBuffer
size_t largeBufferSize
uint8_t msgClass
uint8_t msgId
uint8_t transferId
uint16_t pageIndex
uint16_t nrPages

Detailed Description

Struct containing all protocol related data.

The member variables related to large transfers are valid if and only if the large buffer is valid.

Field Documentation

◆ pLinkedInterface

SbgInterface* _SbgEComProtocol::pLinkedInterface

Associated interface used by the protocol to read/write bytes.

◆ rxBuffer

uint8_t _SbgEComProtocol::rxBuffer[SBG_ECOM_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]

The reception buffer.

◆ rxBufferSize

size_t _SbgEComProtocol::rxBufferSize

The current reception buffer size in bytes.

◆ discardSize

size_t _SbgEComProtocol::discardSize

Number of bytes to discard on the next receive attempt.

◆ nextLargeTxId

uint8_t _SbgEComProtocol::nextLargeTxId

Transfer ID of the next large send.

◆ pReceiveFrameCb

SbgEComProtocolFrameCb _SbgEComProtocol::pReceiveFrameCb

Optional callback used to intercept any received sbgECom frame.

◆ pUserArg

void* _SbgEComProtocol::pUserArg

Optional user supplied argument for the callback.

◆ pLargeBuffer

uint8_t* _SbgEComProtocol::pLargeBuffer

Buffer for large transfers, allocated with malloc() if valid.

◆ largeBufferSize

size_t _SbgEComProtocol::largeBufferSize

Size of the large transfer buffer, in bytes.

◆ msgClass

uint8_t _SbgEComProtocol::msgClass

Message class for the current large transfer.

◆ msgId

uint8_t _SbgEComProtocol::msgId

Message ID for the current large transfer.

◆ transferId

uint8_t _SbgEComProtocol::transferId

ID of the current large transfer.

◆ pageIndex

uint16_t _SbgEComProtocol::pageIndex

Expected page index of the next frame.

◆ nrPages

uint16_t _SbgEComProtocol::nrPages

Number of pages in the current transfer.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: