Main header for the SBG Systems common C library.
#define SBG_DEPRECATED(func)
Definition sbgDefines.h:316
Definition sbgDefines.h:349
Defines all sbgECom commands identifiers.
uint8_t SbgEComMsgId
Definition sbgEComIds.h:336
enum _SbgEComClass SbgEComClass
union _SbgEComLogUnion SbgEComLogUnion
void sbgEComLogCleanup(SbgEComLogUnion *pLogData, SbgEComClass msgClass, SbgEComMsgId msgId)
SbgErrorCode sbgEComLogParse(SbgEComClass msgClass, SbgEComMsgId msgId, const void *pPayload, size_t payloadSize, SbgEComLogUnion *pLogData)
Parse received air data measurement logs such as barometer data.
struct _SbgEComLogAirData SbgEComLogAirData
Parse received sub-sea depth measurement logs.
struct _SbgEComLogDepth SbgEComLogDepth
Parse diagnostic logs emitted by the device.
struct _SbgEComLogDiagData SbgEComLogDiagData
Parse received DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) measurement logs.
struct _SbgEComLogDvl SbgEComLogDvl
Log structure for DVL 3D velocity measurement.
Parse EKF measurements such as attitude, position and velocity logs.
struct _SbgEComLogEkfVelBody SbgEComLogEkfVelBody
struct _SbgEComLogEkfEuler SbgEComLogEkfEuler
struct _SbgEComLogEkfNav SbgEComLogEkfNav
struct _SbgEComLogEkfQuat SbgEComLogEkfQuat
Write and parse SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_ROT_ACCEL_XXXX messages.
struct _SbgEComLogEkfRotAccel SbgEComLogEkfRotAccel
Parse event markers logs used to timestamp external signals.
struct _SbgEComLogEvent SbgEComLogEvent
GNSS True Heading related logs.
struct _SbgEComLogGnssHdt SbgEComLogGnssHdt
GNSS position related logs.
struct _SbgEComLogGnssPos SbgEComLogGnssPos
struct _SbgEComLogGnssVel SbgEComLogGnssVel
Structure that stores data for the SBG_ECOM_LOG_GPS#_VEL message.
Parse IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) measurement logs.
struct _SbgEComLogImuShort SbgEComLogImuShort
struct _SbgEComLogImuFastLegacy SbgEComLogImuFastLegacy
struct _SbgEComLogImuLegacy SbgEComLogImuLegacy
Structure that stores data for the SBG_ECOM_LOG_IMU_DATA message.
Parse magnetic field measurements logs.
struct _SbgEComLogMag SbgEComLogMag
Parse magnetic calibration logs.
struct _SbgEComLogMagCalib SbgEComLogMagCalib
Parse received odometer/DMI velocity measurement logs.
struct _SbgEComLogOdometer SbgEComLogOdometer
Parse logs used to report device PTP status.
struct _SbgEComLogPtp SbgEComLogPtp
Parse logs used to store a binary stream such as RAW GNSS or RTCM stream.
struct _SbgEComLogRawData SbgEComLogRawData
Parse space vehicles in view information log.
struct _SbgEComLogSatList SbgEComLogSatList
Parse logs used to report session information.
struct _SbgEComLogSessionInfo SbgEComLogSessionInfo
Parse logs that returns ship motion values such as heave.
struct _SbgEComLogShipMotion SbgEComLogShipMotion
Parse logs used to report device status.
struct _SbgEComLogStatus SbgEComLogStatus
Parse received USBL position mesurements logs.
struct _SbgEComLogUsbl SbgEComLogUsbl
Parse logs used to report device UTC time.
struct _SbgEComLogUtc SbgEComLogUtc
enum _SbgErrorCode SbgErrorCode
Definition sbgEComLog.h:83
SbgEComLogDvl dvlData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:103
SbgEComLogGnssVel gpsVelData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:97
SbgEComLogEkfRotAccel ekfRotAccel
Definition sbgEComLog.h:91
SbgEComLogDepth depthData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:106
SbgEComLogEkfVelBody ekfVelBody
Definition sbgEComLog.h:90
SbgEComLogGnssHdt gpsHdtData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:98
SbgEComLogImuShort imuShort
Definition sbgEComLog.h:86
SbgEComLogStatus statusData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:84
SbgEComLogSatList satGroupData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:109
SbgEComLogRawData gpsRawData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:99
SbgEComLogUsbl usblData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:105
SbgEComLogDiagData diagData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:108
SbgEComLogAirData airData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:104
SbgEComLogEvent eventMarker
Definition sbgEComLog.h:107
SbgEComLogOdometer odometerData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:93
SbgEComLogMagCalib magCalibData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:102
SbgEComLogRawData rtcmRawData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:100
SbgEComLogImuLegacy imuData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:85
SbgEComLogEkfQuat ekfQuatData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:88
SbgEComLogMag magData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:101
SbgEComLogUtc utcData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:95
SbgEComLogShipMotion shipMotionData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:92
SbgEComLogSessionInfo sessionInfoData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:110
SbgEComLogEkfEuler ekfEulerData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:87
SbgEComLogEkfNav ekfNavData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:89
SbgEComLogPtp ptpData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:94
SbgEComLogGnssPos gpsPosData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:96
SbgEComLogImuFastLegacy fastImuData
Definition sbgEComLog.h:113