sbgECom Library  5.2.590-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
No Matches
logs Directory Reference


 Parse incoming sbgECom logs and store result in an union.
 Parse received air data measurement logs such as barometer data.
 Parse dedicated automotive measurements logs.
 Parse received sub-sea depth measurement logs.
 Parse diagnostic logs emitted by the device.
 Parse received DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) measurement logs.
 Parse EKF measurements such as attitude, position and velocity logs.
 Write and parse SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_ROT_ACCEL_XXXX messages.
 Parse event markers logs used to timestamp external signals.
 GNSS True Heading related logs.
 GNSS position related logs.
 GNSS velocity logs.
 Parse IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) measurement logs.
 Parse magnetic field measurements logs.
 Parse magnetic calibration logs.
 Parse received odometer/DMI velocity measurement logs.
 Parse logs used to report device PTP status.
 Parse logs used to store a binary stream such as RAW GNSS or RTCM stream.
 Parse space vehicles in view information log.
 Parse logs used to report session information.
 Parse logs that returns ship motion values such as heave.
 Parse logs used to report device status.
 Parse received USBL position mesurements logs.
 Parse logs used to report device UTC time.