sbgECom Library
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
#include <sbgEComLogEkf.h>
Data Fields | |
uint32_t | timeStamp |
float | quaternion [4] |
float | eulerStdDev [3] |
uint32_t | status |
float | magDeclination |
float | magInclination |
EFK computed orientation using quaternion.
Note: In AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) or INS (Inertial Navigation System) modes, the yaw angle represents the geographic (true) heading of the device.
To convert a geographic heading to a magnetic heading, use the following formula: Magnetic Heading = Geographic Heading - Magnetic Declination
uint32_t _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::timeStamp |
Time in us since the sensor power up.
float _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::quaternion[4] |
Orientation quaternion stored in W, X, Y, Z form.
float _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::eulerStdDev[3] |
Roll std. [0;+pi], pitch std. [0;+pi/2] and yaw std. [0;+pi] estimated 1-sigma accuracy in radians
uint32_t _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::status |
EKF solution status bitmask and enum.
float _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::magDeclination |
Local magnetic declination in radians (positive east - set to NAN if not available).
float _SbgEComLogEkfQuat::magInclination |
Local magnetic inclination in radians (positive down - set to NAN if not available).