sbgECom Library  5.2.590-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
No Matches
_SbgEComLogUsbl Struct Reference

#include <sbgEComLogUsbl.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t timeStamp
uint16_t status
double latitude
double longitude
float depth
float latitudeAccuracy
float longitudeAccuracy
float depthAccuracy

Detailed Description

Log structure for USBL data.

Field Documentation

◆ timeStamp

uint32_t _SbgEComLogUsbl::timeStamp

Time in us since the sensor power up.

◆ status

uint16_t _SbgEComLogUsbl::status

USBL system status bitmask.

◆ latitude

double _SbgEComLogUsbl::latitude

Latitude in degrees, positive north.

◆ longitude

double _SbgEComLogUsbl::longitude

Longitude in degrees, positive east.

◆ depth

float _SbgEComLogUsbl::depth

Depth in meters below mean sea level (positive down).

◆ latitudeAccuracy

float _SbgEComLogUsbl::latitudeAccuracy

1 sigma latitude accuracy in meters.

◆ longitudeAccuracy

float _SbgEComLogUsbl::longitudeAccuracy

1 sigma longitude accuracy in meters.

◆ depthAccuracy

float _SbgEComLogUsbl::depthAccuracy

1 sigma depth accuracy in meters.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: