sbgECom Library  5.1.708-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 sbgCrc.hThis file provides CRC-32 and CRC-16 methods
 sbgDebug.hDefine and handle error logging for the SBG Systems common C library
 sbgInterface.hThis file implements the base interface for all Serial and Ethernet ports
 sbgInterfaceFile.hThis file implements a file interface for read only operations
 sbgInterfaceSerial.hThis file implements a serial interface
 sbgInterfaceUdp.hThis file implements an UDP interface
 sbgNetwork.hNetwork related tools
 sbgPlatform.hPlatform-specific functions
 sbgSplitBuffer.hHelper methods used to handle a splittable buffer
 sbgStreamBuffer.hUsed to read/write data from/to a memory buffer stream
 sbgStreamBufferBE.hSpecific method of stream buffer for little endian readings/writings
 sbgStreamBufferCommon.hUsed to read/write data from/to a memory buffer stream
 sbgStreamBufferLE.hSpecific method of stream buffer for little endian readings/writings
 sbgString.hCharacter string
 sbgSwap.hSet of functions used to swap numbers
 sbgVersion.hHelper methods and definitions used to handle version
 sbgCommon.hMain header for the SBG Systems common C library
 sbgConfig.hHeader file used to configure the framework
 sbgDefines.hHeader file that contains all common definitions
 sbgErrorCodes.hHeader file that defines all error codes for SBG Systems libraries
 sbgTypes.hHeader file that defines all scalar types
 sbgEComCmd.hInclude all available sbgECom commands
 sbgEComCmdAdvanced.hAdvanced settings related commands
 sbgEComCmdAirData.hAirData aiding module configuration commands
 sbgEComCmdApi.hREST API related commands
 sbgEComCmdCommon.hDefinitions and methods common to all commands
 sbgEComCmdDvl.hDVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) aiding module configuration commands
 sbgEComCmdEthernet.hEthernet configuration related commands
 sbgEComCmdEvent.hInput/output event markers configuration commands
 sbgEComCmdFeatures.hCommands used to query supported device features
 sbgEComCmdGnss.hGNSS aiding module configuration commands
 sbgEComCmdInfo.hCommands used to query the device information
 sbgEComCmdInterface.hCommands used to configure device serial, CAN and Ethernet interfaces
 sbgEComCmdLicense.hCommand used to upload and apply an activation license
 sbgEComCmdMag.hMagnetometer aiding module configuration & on-board magnetic calibration commands
 sbgEComCmdOdo.hOdometer / DMI aiding module configuration commands
 sbgEComCmdOutput.hCommands used to setup logs to output over the device interfaces
 sbgEComCmdSensor.hMotion profile, aiding assignment & sensor installation commands
 sbgEComCmdSettings.hImport/export/save settings commands
 sbgEComDefsGnss.hCommon enumeration and definitions for RAW GNSS data
 sbgEComLog.hParse incoming sbgECom logs and store result in an union
 sbgEComLogAirData.hParse received air data measurement logs such as barometer data
 sbgEComLogAutomotive.hParse dedicated automotive measurements logs
 sbgEComLogDepth.hParse received sub-sea depth measurement logs
 sbgEComLogDiag.hParse diagnostic logs emitted by the device
 sbgEComLogDvl.hParse received DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) measurement logs
 sbgEComLogEkf.hParse EKF measurements such as attitude, position and velocity logs
 sbgEComLogEkfRotAccel.hWrite and parse SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_ROT_ACCEL_XXXX messages
 sbgEComLogEvent.hParse event markers logs used to timestamp external signals
 sbgEComLogGnssHdt.hGNSS True Heading related logs
 sbgEComLogGnssPos.hGNSS position related logs
 sbgEComLogGnssVel.hGNSS velocity logs
 sbgEComLogImu.hParse IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) measurement logs
 sbgEComLogMag.hParse magnetic field measurements logs
 sbgEComLogMagCalib.hParse magnetic calibration logs
 sbgEComLogOdometer.hParse received odometer/DMI velocity measurement logs
 sbgEComLogPtp.hParse logs used to report device PTP status
 sbgEComLogRawData.hParse logs used to store a binary stream such as RAW GNSS or RTCM stream
 sbgEComLogSat.hParse space vehicles in view information log
 sbgEComLogSessionInfo.hParse logs used to report session information
 sbgEComLogShipMotion.hParse logs that returns ship motion values such as heave
 sbgEComLogStatus.hParse logs used to report device status
 sbgEComLogUsbl.hParse received USBL position mesurements logs
 sbgEComLogUtc.hParse logs used to report device UTC time
 sbgEComProtocol.hImplementation of the sbgECom binary communication protocol
 sbgEComSessionInfo.hSession information management
 sbgEComTransfer.hHandle large send/receive transfer for specific ECom Protocol commands
 sbgECanId.hDefines all sbgECom commands identifiers
 sbgECom.hContains main sbgECom methods
 sbgEComGetVersion.hVersion information
 sbgEComIds.hDefines all sbgECom commands identifiers
 sbgEComLib.hMain header file for the SBG Systems Enhanced Communication Library
 sbgEComVersion.hHeader file that contains all versions related information such as change log