sbgECom Library  5.2.590-stable
Interface SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS
No Matches
commands Directory Reference


 Include all available sbgECom commands.
 Advanced settings related commands.
 AirData aiding module configuration commands.
 REST API related commands.
 Definitions and methods common to all commands.
 DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) aiding module configuration commands.
 Ethernet configuration related commands.
 Input/output event markers configuration commands.
 Commands used to query supported device features.
 GNSS aiding module configuration commands.
 Commands used to query the device information.
 Commands used to configure device serial, CAN and Ethernet interfaces.
 Command used to upload and apply an activation license.
 Magnetometer aiding module configuration & on-board magnetic calibration commands.
 Odometer / DMI aiding module configuration commands.
 Commands used to setup logs to output over the device interfaces.
 Motion profile, aiding assignment & sensor installation commands.
 Import/export/save settings commands.